
What is the main thesis of the essay this should be clearly

Essay Prompt 1-

Lu Xun's short stories "Diary of a Madman," "Kong Yiji," "The Real Story of Ah-Q" and "Leaving the Pass" all deal with common themes of a reaction to and rejection of the past, and call for the need to create a new voice for the Chinese people. Using at least two of the short stories, and including references to class lectures and the Search for Modern China textbook, both explain and situate Lu Xun's critiques in the context of the New Culture Movement and his historical moment.

Essay Prompt 2-

Erez Manela, in his book, The Wilsonian Moment, deals with the question of self-determination, as described by both Lenin and Wilson. Using the assigned chapters from his book, discuss the implications of Wilson's declarations in terms of the push by Chinese intellectuals and activists for greater recognition as a sovereign nation-state. Include references to reformers and revolutionaries mentioned in class lectures and in the Search for Modern China textbook.

In assessing this midterm, the following criteria are critical to keep in mind when developing your essays, and will constitute a rubric for grading these essays:

1) What is the main thesis of the essay? This should be clearly stated in the first paragraph.

2) What are the main points used to support this thesis? Provide concrete examples and judiciously use selected quotes from the readings. Back up all assertions with evidence.

3) What conclusion is reached by considering this evidence? What does it say about world history?

4) The best essays show strong control over the readings and make them speak to each other.

5) Do not use "I" statements in the essay, and refrain from casual language or passive voice.

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History: What is the main thesis of the essay this should be clearly
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