
What is the main reason deforestation is occurring

Problem: Dive deeper into problems on international forestland.

Start by reading this report FACTBOX-Global tropical forest loss falls in 2021 but outlook bleak

Choose one of the countries they list in the "Top 10 Tropical Countries for Tree Cover Loss" and do some investigating into the issue. Check out the Global Forest Watch. site deforestation data of the selected country. Then, find additional source(s) as needed to answer the following in complete sentences:

  • What country did you choose?
  • What is the main reason deforestation is occurring in this country?
  • Is deforestation getting better or worse? To support your statement, provide statistics of available forest areas (or forest area lost) and show how the numbers have changed over the years.
  • Is the government doing anything to stop it? What kinds of policies are in place? Be sure to also cover recent efforts and development.
  • The title and URL of your sources

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Science: What is the main reason deforestation is occurring
Reference No:- TGS03419468

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