Question 1: What is the main purpose of an enrolment policy and procedure?
Question 2: How does the above enrolment policy promote the gaining an understanding of each child and their family and community context?
Question 3: List 5 pieces of information a family will need to supply on enrolment.
Question 4: Which 3 regulations state the required information to be kept as part of an enrolment. Include the heading.
Question5: Explain how your own service orientation creates a welcoming environment for the families.
Question 6: In what ways did you make available current and accurate information about the operation of the service to the families?
Question 7: How would you promote opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative, or decision-making role?
Question 8: List three ways you would maintain ongoing positive relationships with families.
Question 9: How does regulation 157 support positive relationships with children's families?\