
What is the main point of the article what is the writers

Cultural Assignment


Attacking the 'Old Boy Network'. Time [serial online]. March 28, 1977;109(13):26. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA.

Jacobson, M. B. (1979). A rose by any other name: Attitudes toward feminism as a function of its label. Sex Roles, 5(3), 365-371

Ms. Makes It. (1972). Time, 100(26), 59.

Nixon Tells Editors, 'I'm Not a Crook' (1973). Kilpatrick, Carroll Washington Post,

Sigel, R. S., & Reynolds, J. V. (1979). Generational Differences and the Women's Movement. Political Science Quarterly, 94(4), 635.

Women's Movement Under Siege. (1977). Time, 110(13), 70.

DO NOT USE QUOTES. use your own words and thougths. use dates and facts to support your opinion.

Analyze one of the required readings from this week, but only one of the articles from the 1970's. There are several on feminism, from different perspectives, as well as one on the Nixon era.

To successfully complete this essay, you will need to answer the following questions:

• Explain the cultural relevance of the article. Who funded this magazine? What are their political biases?
• What is the main point of the article? What is the writer's message to his/ her readers?
• Did the magazine make an impact on popular culture?

Your thesis for the essay should attempt to answer this question:

• Explain the cultural relevance of the article. How did this particular magazine article reflect and/ or attempt to manipulate the cultural values of its audience? How can you prove this?

This essay should be 2 pages, in APA style, utilizing the college's library resources. Please include at least one scholarly resource as a minimum in your essay.

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