
What is the main economic story


1. [Critique] Read the following article:

Marchildon, G. P. & Allin, S. (2016). The Public-Private Mix in the Delivery of Health-Care Services: Its Relevance for Lower-Income Canadians. Global Social Welfare, 3, pp. 161-170.

(The above link allows you to access the article for free whether you are on campus or not. If off-campus, log in to UVic when prompted.)

a. Write a 3-2-1 report on the article using the form provided on the course web site.

A note about 3-2-1 reports in this course:

For the ‘2' part (2 things you didn't understand and what you did to fix it), we need to see both what you found out, and the source you used to find that out, properly cited in APA format.

The paper you are asked to read for the assignment CANNOT be used as the source: it's understood that you will make sure to understand everything within the article you are asked to read, by consulting the article itself. This part of the 3-2-1 report is meant to encourage you to consult outside sources to find things out that you CANNOT find out from the article itself.

While I would prefer that you use sources that, unlike Wikipedia, aren't subject to constant editing and change, it's fine to use Wikipedia or other such sources as long as you also include the date and time of access, so that readers can look up the state of the page as it was when you looked at it.

Also, remember to include a summary, in your own words, of what you found. It's not enough to say, ‘I didn't know what a raccoon was, so I looked it up on Wikipedia.' You need to tell us what you discovered about raccoons, in your own words, and you need to cite the source you looked the information up on.

2. [Theory] A 2016 article begins, "Extra-billing in Ontario, private MRIs in Saskatchewan and user fees in Quebec: violations of the Canada Health Act are on the rise across the country."

a. What pillar(s) of the Canada Health Act is/are violated by private MRIs in Saskatchewan, and in what way? Be specific.

b. What pillar(s) of the Canada Health Act is/are violated by user fees for health care in Quebec, and in what way? Be specific.

3. [Mini Meta Analysis] This is a simple question meant to help you understand what is expected of you in the group project. Group Assignment 1, due on January 31, will ask you to conduct a search for articles to use in your own mini meta analysis. This question asks you to familiarize yourself with how such searches are reported in published, peer-reviewed mini meta-analyses.

Start by accessing the following article:

Wiradhany, W. & Koerts, J. (2019). Everyday functioning-related cognitive correlates of media multitasking: a mini meta-analysis. Media Psychology.

(The article is open-access, so you should have no trouble accessing it, whether on or off campus.)

a. The published mini meta-analysis searched for studies in PsycInfo, ERIC, MEDLINE, SocINDEX, CMMC and DOAJ. For this question, use the search methods listed in the ‘Study selection' section of the mini meta analysis to search for articles fitting the search criteria in Google Scholar ( https://scholar.google.ca/ ). Google Scholar is a very useful tool that searches through peer-reviewed academic literature.

In the space below, cite, in APA format, the first study in your search results that fits the criteria specified in the mini meta analysis. (Hint: This question can be answered VERY quickly. The method described in the very first paragraph of the ‘study selection' section, on pages 4 and 5, should be enough for this assignment question - just make sure your top result is a study, and not a summary of studies, such as a review article, systematic summary or meta-analysis, and that it studies media multitasking, rather than just media OR multitasking.)


Question 1: In your own words, what are the 3 most important concepts, ideas or issues in the reading? Briefly explain why you chose them

Question 2: What are 2 concepts, ideas or issues in the article that you had difficulty understanding, or that are missing but should have been included? In your own words, briefly explain what you did to correct the situation (e.g. looked up an unfamiliar word or a missing fact), and the result. Cite any sites or sources used in APA format.

Question 3: What is the main economic story of the reading? (Economics studies the allocation of scarce resources.)


1. The Public-Private Mix in the Delivery of Health-Care Services: Its Relevance for Lower-Income Canadians

By Gregory P. Marchildon1 & Sara Allin

2. Everyday functioning-related cognitive correlates of media multitasking: a mini meta-analysis

By Wisnu Wiradhany & Janneke Koerts

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Microeconomics: What is the main economic story
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