
What is the main conflict and how is it resolved


• Write a brief summary of the main plot, describing the event or events that are the focus of the film, stating where and when they take place. (1 paragraph)

• Name and describe the protagonist and the antagonist in this story. (2 paragraphs)

• In the story told by the film, what is the main conflict and how is it resolved? (1 paragraph)

• Historical fiction employs the elements of literature and the devices of fiction. Identify and describe two literary elements or devices that are evident in the movie other than conflict, antagonist, protagonist, and imagery. Other literary elements or devices may include: prologue, expository phase, voice, symbol, foreshadowing, flashback, irony, foil, opposition, archetype, motif, characterization, climax, and denouement. For each literary device that you identify, describe the role that it plays in presenting the story told by the film. (2 paragraphs)

• Music and lighting are part of the way that the moviemakers communicate their message. Go deeper than that. Give two specific examples of how other elements of the cinematic art, such as shot framing, camera angles, camera movement, color, editing choice, or length of take were used by the filmmakers to get their point across. (1 paragraph)

• Describe two images or scenes from the film that stand out in your mind. Discuss why they impressed you and how they relate to themes explored in the story. (2 paragraphs)

• Describe two events or portrayals in the film that, on the whole, accurately reflect what actually happened and two that do not. For any historical inaccuracies, describe what really happened. (2 paragraphs)

• Pick one of the following factors that play an important role in the film. Chose among political, economic, religious, social, and ideological. How does the film reflect the factor you identified? Be specific. For extra credit, pick a second factor and describe how the film reflects that factor.

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History: What is the main conflict and how is it resolved
Reference No:- TGS03280702

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