
What is the main claim of the speaker 2what do they want

Purpose of Speech

1. What is the main claim of the speaker?

2. What do they want the audience to think or do as a result of their speech?

3. Cite the words in the speech that prove your point.

Reasons, Evidence, or Arguments

1. What key reasons, evidence, or arguments does the speaker use to support his or her claim?

2. Cite the words in the speech that prove your point.

Cultural Values

1. What values from your cultural values worksheet are represented in the speaker's arguments?

2. Cite the words in the speech that prove your point.

Speaker's Values Appeal

1. What values is the speaker appealing to in his or her audience?

2. Cite the words in the speech that prove your point.

Speaker's Virtues Appeal

Does the speaker appeal to any of the following virtues: wisdom, temperance, courage, or justice (see brief descriptions below)? If so, how? Cite the words in the speech that prove your point. Would Plato think the speech was ethical or just a cave of shadows?

1. Wisdom: be wise, carefully consider your course of action, use your reason, reflect on the issue, and make a good decision.

2. Temperance: consider both sides, be moderate, and restrain emotions regarding the issue.

3. Courage: don't be afraid, resist impulses that keep you from doing the right thing under difficult circumstances - or have the courage to check the desire to do something foolhardy.

4. Justice: fairness, giving to every person what they are due.


1. Close your presentation with a short general evaluation of an American political speech.

2. What is good and what is unethical about the way politicians present their ideas?

3. What one thing do you think would improve American political life?

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History: What is the main claim of the speaker 2what do they want
Reference No:- TGS0980824

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