
What is the main argument of owens burning the shelter


A. What is the main argument (thesis) of Owens' "Burning the Shelter?" Quote the sentence (or sentences) that you believe communicates his central argument.

B. Rhetorical analysis of "Burning the Shelter": Name at least 2 rhetorical strategies Owens deploys to make his major points and point to examples of these strategies in the text.

C. Reread or review the section "Myth: 'The United States Gave Indians Their Reservations" in the Dunbar- Ortiszilio Whitaker essay in your book, especially pps. 664 and 665. What do you see as the connection between the displacement of Indigenous subsistence economies (traditional political economies) with capitalism and what Owens is arguing? You might also see some connections with Mantsios's myths of the American Dream. Feel free to comment on that as well. Continue on the back of the ShEEt as HECESSEII'Y.

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English: What is the main argument of owens burning the shelter
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