
What is the longest word you can build in a game of

1. Write a function, flatten(nested_list), that accepts a list of lists,nested_list, (the inner lists do not containlists, only numbers) as input. Return a list of all the elements in each of theinner lists. i.e. flatten([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns [1,2,3,4] . Make sure the original listremains unchanged.

2. For both parts be careful to make sure that you don't change the values of the original listbeing passed tothe function.
- Write a function, has_duplicate(input_list), that accepts a listand returns True if the list has a duplicateitem and False if it does not.
- Write a function,remove_duplicate(input_list), that accepts a list and returns the list with all duplicatesremoved.

3. The birthday problem explores the probability of at least two people sharing a birthday in arandom group ofN people. This probability can be calculated exactly with probability theory,but we are interested in simulatingthe answer. Write a function, birthday(N), that accepts aninteger N. It then simulates 5,000 groups, each ofsize N, and returns the percent that haveat least two members with the same birthday. You may assume thereare 365 birthdays a person could have (we are ignoring leap days).

4. Write a function, char_freq(input_string), that accepts a string and returns a dictionary with a key for eachunique character and value for the count of that characters occurences in the string.

5. A caeser cipher is when you take a string and shift each letter three to the left i.e. 'abcde' becomes 'xyzab'.Write a function, caeser(input), that accepts a string (possibly containingspaces and punctuation) and returnsthe encrypted string. Assume the input could be lower or upper case, and make sure that the output is the samecase as the input. Spaces and punctuation should remain unchanged.

6. Write a function, password(n), that accepts an integer n >= 8 and returns a password of length n that:
- Contains at least one letter of each case (upper & lower)
- Contains at least one number
- Contains at least one special character or punctuation symbol(Example:_-+=!@%*&":./)
- Make sure that your passwords are randomly ordered i.e. they don'talways followthe same letter + number + symbol pattern.

7. Write a function, text_dictionary(file_name), that accepts a file name and returns adictionary where the keyis a letter and the value is a list of words from the file that begin with that letter. Make sure that the list containsonly unique values, is all lowercased, and contains no punctuation marks.

8. Write a function, average_word(word_dictionary), that accepts a dictionary where the key is a letter andthe value is a list of words that begin with that letter and returns adictionary where the key is a letter and thevalue is the average length of the words in the list. (e.g. b:['bat,'bag','back','ball'] would turn into b:3.5)

9. Using the word list. Write a program anagrams(file_name) (where file_namecould be any file but it will be tested on 'unixdict.txt') that returns the larget set of anagrams in the word list. i.e.art,tar,rat would be a set of 3. If there is a tie it should return one of the lists.

10. Using the word list from question 9 write a function pairs(file_name) that returns a dictionary whose keysare all two letter sequences (i.e. 'word' contains 'wo','or','rd') appearing in the file and values are the count ofhow many times they appear in the file. What are the five most common letter pairings and their frequency?

11. What is the longest word you can build in a game of Scrabble one letter at a time? That is, starting with a validtwo-letter word, how long a word can you build by playing one letter at a time on either side to form a validthree-letter word, then a valid four-letter word, and so on? (For example, HE could become THE, then THEM,then THEME, then THEMES, for a six-letter result.) Write a function scrabble(file_name) that accepts afilename and returns the longest scrabble path. Use the word list from question 9.

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Programming Languages: What is the longest word you can build in a game of
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