
What is the link between gender equality and economic

Option 1: What is the link between gender equality and economic development?

Be sure to include: How gender equality measured? How economic development measured? Does gender equality enhance or impede development? 4-5 Examples/explain Video that captures some aspect of the link between gender equality and development; this needs to be incorporated in your paper (discussion of), and the citation/title/URL added to your reference list.

Option 2: Economic Impact of Title IX (Cost-Benefit Analysis: private vs social costs/benefits)

Be sure to include: What is Title IX? Why Title IX? When enacted? When mandatory compliance?

With what results? Intended and unintended costs and benefits (both private and social)

Video that captures some aspect of economic impact of Title IX; this needs to be incorporated in your paper (discussion of), and the citation/title/URL added to your reference list.

Option 3: Causes and Consequences of Glass Ceiling

Be sure to include: What is ‘glass ceiling'? How differ from ‘leaky pipeline', ‘sticky floor'?

What evidence is there that a glass ceiling exists? What evidence refutes its existence?

What factors contribute to glass ceiling? What consequences result from glass ceiling?

Video that captures some aspect of glass ceiling; this needs to be incorporated in your paper (discussion of), and the citation/title/URL added to your reference list.

Option 4: Causes and consequences of gender bias in evaluation (teaching, work)

Be sure to include: Evaluation of what (teaching, work)? What is meant by gender bias?

What social/economic/cultural/historical factors contribute to gender bias?

What (private/social) costs and benefits associated with gender bias in evaluation?

Video that captures some aspect of glass ceiling; this needs to be incorporated in your paper (discussion of), and the citation/title/URL added to your reference list.

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Microeconomics: What is the link between gender equality and economic
Reference No:- TGS01129025

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