Epidemiology: Uncovering the Science of Public Health - Winter 2017-2018
Module Assignment: Descriptive Epidemiology Case Study
1) What is the lifetime risk(percent) of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer based on data from 2012-2014 for all races? (Table 1.15)
2) What is the total percent change in US Cancer Death Rates between 1950-2013 for all races, all ages? (Table 1.3)
Annual Incidence Rates (Select the specific cancer site from the Section drop-down menu and then the appropriate table - don't forget to click ‘submit')
3) Find the 2014annual incidence rates for Hodgkin lymphoma.
a. What was the 2014 annual incidence rate for all races, both sexes? ________
b. What was the 2014annual incidence rate for males? ___________________
c. What was the 2014annual incidence rate for females? __________________
d. Describe each of these sex-specific rates for males and females in words by putting these data into a sentence (don't forget the denominators!). Then, discuss how these two rates compare to each other (for example, which rate is higher? By how much?) Answer in complete sentences.
4) Find the 1975-2014annual incidence ratesfor cervix uteri cancer.
a. What was the 1975-2014 annual incidence rate for females of all races, all ages? _____________________
b. What was the 1975-2014annual incidence rate for white females, all ages?__
c. What was the 1975-2014annual incidence rate for black females, all ages?
d. Describe each of these race-specific rates for white females and black females in words by putting these data into a sentence (don't forget the denominators!). Then, discuss how these two rates compare to each other (for example, which rate is higher? By how much?)Answer in complete sentences.
5) The rates in this table are age-adjusted, which means that the differences in rates seen between the populations are not due to age. Why is it important to adjust for the effects of age, particularly for cancer incidence and mortality?
6) Examine the rates of cervix uteri cancer by year between 1975 and 2014. Is there a pattern to the change in the rates over time? That is, are the rates increasing, decreasing, or staying the same over time? Is this pattern similar in black and white females? Using data from the table to support your answers to these questions, answer in complete sentences.
5-Year Relative and Period Survival (Select the specific cancer site from the Section drop-down menu and then the appropriate table)
7) Find the 5-Year relative survival (%) for 2007-2013 by age at diagnosis for melanoma of the skin(both sexes, all races).
a. What was the 5-year relative survival for:
i. Age <45? ________
ii. Age 45-54?_______
iii. Age 55-64?_______
iv. Age 65-74?_______
v. Age 75+?_________
b. Describe in words these differences in 5-year relative survival by age at diagnosis:
c. Now look at these same age-specific statistics for males and females. Describe the similarities or differences you see in the 5-year relative survival by age.
d. Is the information in the table enough by itself to draw conclusions as to why these sex-specific statistics are similar or different? Why or why not?
Age-Adjusted Cancer Death Rates by State (Select the specific cancer site from the Section drop-down menu and then the appropriate table)
8) Find the age-adjusted cancer death rates by state for lung and bronchus cancer in males:
a. Which state has the highest age-adjusted death rate for males fromlung and bronchus cancer?
b. Which state has the lowest age-adjusted death rate for males from lung and bronchus cancer?
9) Scroll down to the map of the United States showing the state-specific cancer death rates from lung and bronchus cancers in male.
a. In which regions of the United States are the states with the highest cancer death rates generally located?
b. In which regions of the United States are the states with the lowest cancer death rates generally located?
10) Based on the information provided by this map, how would you geographically target public health strategies to reduce thelung and bronchus cancerdeath rate in males? What epidemiological evidence does the map provide that is useful? What information does it not provide?
Note: Do not just name general prevention strategies.
Instead, use the information on the map to inform your answer. Be sure to answer all three questions above. Please answer in complete sentences.
To complete the assignment, access the following resource:
Howlader N, Noone AM, Krapcho M, Miller D, Bishop K, Kosary CL, Yu M, Ruhl J, Tatalovich Z, Mariotto A, Lewis DR, Chen HS, Feuer EJ, Cronin KA (eds).
SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2014, National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD, based on November 2016 SEER data submission, posted to the SEER web site, April 2017.
Find the link labeled "Browse the Tables and Figures" and click on it. You should now be at a webpage titled, "Browse the SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2014." Now, find the information in the SEER Cancer Statistics Review to answer the following questions:
Note: All questions are worth 1 point unless otherwise marked.
Hint: Don't forget to label your answers (for example, when reporting incidence rates the answer should not just be a number, but a number with a label --- not 12.68, but instead, 12.68 cases per 100,000 persons per year). Points will be deducted for missing labels.
Overview (Select "Overview" from the Section drop-down menu)