
What is the life expectancy in canada compared to the us


I. Canada Research how Canada's health care system compares to the US health care system utilizing the resources provided.

Address the following:

i. Canada interests- What interested you about it?

ii. How much does Canada spend, per capita, on healthcare compared to the US?

iii. What does that tell us about health care costs in Canada?

iv. What is the life expectancy in Canada, compared to the US?

v. What does this indicator tell us about health care quality in Canada?

vi. How does Canada compare to the US when it comes to coverage (access)?

vii. What percentage of people have some type coverage?

viii. What does that coverage look like in Canada? Are payers private, public or a hybrid of both?

ix. How does Canada compare to the US when it comes to choice?

x. How much choice to patients have in where they go for care or who they see for care?

xi. What was most interesting about Canada health care system?

xii. What do you think Canada does better than the US that we could learn from? What does the US do better than Canada

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