
What is the life blood of toxic masculinity


Toxic Masculinity: Terry Crews (Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K9BfCiD_KU)

A. What is another way to say "toxic Masculinity"?
B. Are men and women different? If so how?
C. What is the life blood of toxic masculinity?
D. What happened Terry Crew?
E. Is the #MeTooo Movement about sex? If no what is it about?
F. What is the answer to Toxic Masculinity?
G. What do we get with vulnerability?
H. What does Vulnerability say?
I. What is the link to vulnerability and shooters (school shootings)?

Questions: (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/incel-threat-canadians-fifth-estate-1.4992184)

A. What is incel? And how many do we have in CA?

B. What do authorties in NA call violent incidents perpetrated by a man?

C. Why do men see destructiveness as ok?

D. Explain the race dynamic in why we see white boys acting in violent mass shootings vs. racialized ?

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