
What is the level of measurement

Scale of Measurements 

1. A bank asks customers to evaluate the drive-thru service as to good, average, or poor. Which level of measurement is this classification?

a.       Nominal

b.      Ordinal

c.       Interval

d.      Ratio

e.       None of the above

2. A questionnaire contained a enquiry regarding marital status. The respondent checked either single, married, divorced, separated or widow. What is level of measurement for this question?

a.       Ratio

b.      Interval

c.       Ordinal

d.      Nominal

e.       None of the above

3. What level of measurement are the Centigrade and Fahrenheit temperature scales?

a.       Ratio

b.      Interval

c.       Ordinal

d.      Nominal

e.       None of the above

4. Respondents were ask "Do you now earn more than or less than you did five years ago?" What is the level of measurement?

a.       Ratio

b.      Interval

c.       Ordinal

d.      Nominal

e.       None of the above

5. Your height and weight are instances of which level of measurement?

a.       Ratio

b.      Interval

c.       Ordinal

d.      Nominal

e.       None of the above

6. In an experiment to resolve if antibiotics increase the final dressed weight of cattle, the following were measured on each animal in the study. Sex, initial weight, weight gain, grade of meat. Where grade is recorded as (A, B, or C). The scale of measurement of this variable is:

a.       Nominal, ratio, interval, nominal

b.      Nominal, ratio, ratio, nominal

c.       Nominal, ratio, ratio, ordinal

d.      Ordinal, ratio, ratio, ordinal

e.       Ordinal, ratio, ratio, nominal

7. In an aquaculture study, the following variables were measured on each fish: sex, initial weight (g), body temperature (oC), weight gain (g). The scale of these four variables (in order) is:

a.       Nominal, ratio, ratio, ratio

b.      Nominal, ratio, interval, interval

c.       Ordinal, ratio, interval, ratio

d.      Nominal, ratio, interval, ratio

e.       Ordinal, interval, ratio, interval

8. What level of measurement is religion?

a.       Ratio

b.      Interval

c.       Ordinal

d.      Nominal

e.       None of the above

9. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act requires employers to categorize their employees by gender and national origin. Which level of measurement is this?

a.       Nominal

b.      Ordinal

c.       Interval

d.      Ratio

e.       None of the above

10. The tow (2) levels of measurements that include quantitative variables are:

a.       Ordinal and ratio

b.      Interval and ordinal

c.       Nominal and ordinal

d.      Interval and ratio

e.       Nominal and interval

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Basic Statistics: What is the level of measurement
Reference No:- TGS020866

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