
What is the length of wire segment is horizontal



1) In the disgram below, wire segment AB is horizontal. The radius of the loop is 6:00 inches. What is the length of the wire segment AB?


2) Locate the centroid of the figure shown below. (in case you are curious, or have decided to do his this by integration, k1 = 0.01458 and k2 = 0.06122)


3) A design studio wishes to have a visually impressive sign which appears to violate physics by having a triangular sign that does not hang along a centroid. (Actually, there is a hollow space covered by a thin film of negligible weight that covers a circular hole of radius R. If the horizontal axis of the triangle is 2.00 m, if the triangle is 1.25 m wide on the wide end, and if the wire should hang 0.750 m away from the point, and the hole is centered 25 m away from the point, what should the radius of the hole be? A possible solution has a hole 0.500 m in radius.


4. In force p= 800 Ibs., and distance a = 6.00 ft., determine the force in each member. (Some members will be zero-force members).

1842_Zero force.jpg

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Basic Statistics: What is the length of wire segment is horizontal
Reference No:- TGS01970310

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