
What is the legislation for your state or territory that

Assessment Task 1: Short answer questions

Question 1
Describe the National Legislative Framework that underpins the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care, including:
a) the names of the national law that is included in the Framework
b) the purpose of the national law
c) how the national law is adopted as legislation in each state/territory.

Question 2
What is the legislation for your state or territory that covers the protection of children?

Question 3
a) List at least three further pieces of legislation that you need to be aware of when working as an Educator - one of these should relate to Work Health and Safety
b) List four common legal issues that you would expect to encounter when working in a service.

Question 4
a) List five policies and procedures that are required under the Education and Care Services Regulations to be in place for an education and care service and provide a brief description of the main points that each policy/procedure covers in your service.
b) List two further policies and procedures that are required under the same legislation for a family day care service.

Question 5
a) Explain the difference between a legal problem and an ethical problem. Provide an example of each.
b) Who would you seek support from if faced with an ethical dilemma at work? Write down three ethical dilemmas you think you could end up dealing with.

Question 6
When you are on your work placement, ask your supervisor for the code of ethics for the service. How does this code protect the rights of children at the service?

Question 7
a) What happens if a decision needs to be made that does not fall within your area of responsibility?
b) Provide an example of when you might need to decide whether an action you are considering is within your professional boundaries.

Question 8
What does ‘duty of care' mean?

Question 9
Explain what your ‘duty of care' would be as an educator.

Question 10
Provide an explanation, 3 indicators and an example for each of the following forms of abuse.

Type of abuse




Serious psychological














Domestic violence





Question 11
For each age group, identify at least 3 unintentional bruising patterns or areas and 3 types of bruises that may cause concern.


Unintentional bruising could occur on the following body parts/ in the following patterns (no cause for concern) (Provide brief reason for each)

Bruising caused by abuse may occur on the following body parts/ in the following patterns (there may be cause for concern)










Question 12
When considering whether bruising on a child may have been caused by abuse, list 2 other circumstances that you must also consider.

Question 13
Provide an explanation, example and indicator for each the following forms of neglect.

Type of neglect

Explanation, example and indicator




Emotional (or psychological)








Question 14
Give five examples of abuse/neglect that may eventuate with children who are brought up in an environment where drugs and alcohol are freely taken

Question 15
In what ways can you encourage a child to communicate regarding any issues and how can they be involved in the decision-making process?

Question 16
Explain the impact of a child being at risk of harm.

Question 17
What are the risk factors that may contribute to poor outcomes for children who have been abused or neglected?

Question 18
a) Explain what is meant by mandatory reporting.
b) Why is it OK to pass on confidential information without the consent of involved parties when making a report?

Question 19
Explain when you must make a notification.

Question 20
What should you do if a child tells you that a relative has been touching them in a ‘bad way' and they are very scared because they have been told to never tell anyone because no one will believe them?

Question 21
What records must a service keep of the general and specific circumstances in relation to a child at risk? Where would you find information about record keeping requirements at a service?

Question 22
What ethical considerations need to be made when making a notification?

Question 23
How can you stay up to date with updates or changes to your legal obligations to report children at risk of harm?

Question 24
Explain the child protection agency's processes in your state/territory for responding and following up on notifications made about children at risk.

Question 25
Child Protection Agencies will require that you work collaboratively with them throughout the process to ensure effectiveness of the report. Outline some of the ways in which you could work collaboratively to ensure the agency has all the information they need. What steps would you need to take to maintain confidentiality?

Question 26
Identify three other agencies that may be involved once you have made a report to the child protection agency, along with their likely involvement

Question 27
a) Name two learning frameworks approved under the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care and provide a one-paragraph description of each of them.
b) List the web addresses for each of the learning frameworks you picked for a) above
c) When you are at your work placement, find out which learning framework is used.

Question 28
List three rights that children have under the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Provide a one to two paragraph explanation of the meanings of each of these rights in the context of providing early education and care in Australia

Question 29
Using the Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia explain in your own words the role of early childhood pedagogy in developing children's knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live.

Question 30
Using the Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia locate the Section relating to Learning Outcomes. For each outcome, select one of the points and add to that table an example of evidence and promotion that you expect to experience in a care context.
• Explain to a child that a doll that is missing a leg isn't "broken" but is merely missing a leg. The doll can still be played with, be loved and be valued.

Question 31
In what ways can the leaning framework influence you in your professional practice? You may like to access the document Living Practice with the Early Years Learning Framework to assist you in your answer.

Question 32
The father of one of the children in your service has come to you to complain that his daughter, Eve told him last night that when playing with the dolls yesterday, one child said that he had two Mummies instead of a Mummy and a Daddy. Eve had told her father that you had agreed that sometimes that was the case and the children had played with the dolls making families that included two Mummies and two Daddies. The father said that he was disgusted that this was being taught to children and he wanted to make a formal complaint. He would like the boy removed from the service - otherwise he would remove his own child.
What response would you make to Eve's father?

Question 33
What would you do if something needed to be done that is not part of your job description? Imagine that this task is the responsibility of a more experienced and higher qualified member of staff but they are not available and you are pretty confident that you could do it yourself.

Question 34
Imagine that have only been working in your current service for two days and you have not been involved in all processes as yet. Your co-worker asks you to ‘Perform the end of day close up procedures and checklist'. You are not sure what exactly this involves at this service however your co-worker is now talking to a child's parent and cannot clarify. You don't want to bother your supervisor as they are in their office working on paperwork. You consider just following the process from where you previously worked, however you know this can differ between services. What should you do and why?

Assessment Task 2: Ethical issues in childhood education and care

Consider both of the following hypothetical ethical issues and think about how you would deal with these issues if they were to happen to you. You are required to submit to your trainer/assessor a written report covering the following points:
- any legal and statutory requirements;
- policies and procedures of your service;
- support that is available to you and the other concerned parties;
- what the options are - consider from each person's point of view;
- what human rights are involved, including the importance of the rights of the child;
- what action you believe should be taken;
- how you will do this and how you will maintain advice and communication to the parties.
- what you think the outcomes of this action will be and how that can be managed.

Scenario 1
Justin is a four-year old child who has been at your service for some time. He had a history of abuse some time ago which the child protection agency became involved in as the mother's boyfriend was violent with him. An intervention order was put on the boyfriend and he left town. Justin settled down well after the boyfriend left and all has been well until a week ago when Justin seemed very quiet and withdrawn. When asked if he was OK he said yes but wouldn't say anymore. Today when his mother came to pick him up, he didn't want to go home and said he didn't like it with Paul back. His mother noticed that you had heard what Justin had said and knew that you were aware of Paul's history. She said "I don't want you to tell anyone about this - this is private information that you shouldn't have heard. Paul is being nice to Justin - he knows he has to or I won't let him stay. He is only here for a week because he has just got a new job here and he has nowhere else to stay till he gets himself sorted. He is finally sorting himself out - he has stopped drinking and wants a new start." She picked Justin up, still crying, and left the service.

- Any legal and statutory requirements;
- support that is available to you and the other concerned parties;
- what the options are - consider from each person's point of view;
- what human rights are involved, including the importance of the rights of the child;
- what action you believe should be taken;
- how you will do this and how you will maintain advice and communication to the parties.
- what you think the outcomes of this action will be and how that can be managed.

Scenario 2
Julia is an educator in your service. You have been friends with Julia for years - both at work and socially. She gets on really well with all the children in the service and has been a model worker. Lately she has been going through a break-up with her husband and she has been very touchy and losing her temper easily with other staff. Today you saw her lash out and smack one of the children who was being naughty. It wasn't a hard smack but the child was frightened by her behaviour and was crying. She said sorry to the child and gave him a cuddle to try to stop him crying. She did not know that you had seen the incident. Five minutes later you asked her if she was OK. She said yes - just leave me alone to do my job please and left the room.

- any legal and statutory requirements;
- policies and procedures of your service;
- support that is available to you and the other concerned parties;
- what the options are - consider from each person's point of view;
- what human rights are involved, including the importance of the rights of the child;
what action you believe should be taken;
- how you will do this and how you will maintain advice and communication to the parties.
- what you think the outcomes of this action will be and how that can be managed.

PART B: Instructions
Read the continuation of Scenario 1 below. You are required to participate in a role play with your trainer/assessor playing the part of Justin (you will attempt to find out the rest of his story). Your trainer/assessor will then play the role of your supervisor (when you will provide a verbal report of what has happened and discuss what further action you should take).
Finally you will be required to provide a full and accurate written report of what has occurred.
Your trainer/assessor will record their observations of your performance.
The table below provides you with guidance as to what you will need to demonstrate. You must ensure you demonstrate the skills required in order to be marked as satisfactory for this task.

You will need to:
Talk respectfully, sensitively and non-judgementally to Justin so he feels confident to talk
Reassure Justin that he had the right to be safe and that steps would be taken so Paul could not hurt him
Listen attentively to what he had to say
Talk to Justin about how they could tell his mother what had happened and assure him that this could be done safely
Tell Justin what would be done next
Ensure that Justin felt safe and supported

You have been observing Justin since the incident that occurred in Scenario 1. Justin told you that Paul had left their house and he was glad because he didn't like him but apart from that he had still been quiet and withdrawn. Today he came to the Service and was obviously upset. When you asked him what was wrong he told you that Paul had come back to his house last night when Mum was out buying some cigarettes. Paul was drunk and was angry because his mother wasn't there. He started telling at Justin and telling him that it was his fault that he couldn't live there with his mother and he was just a f*&king nuisance. Then Justin started to cry and said he didn't want to talk about it anymore and went off to sit on his own.
a) Your trainer/assessor will play the part of Justin. Talk to Justin to find out whether he is OK and whether Paul physically hurt him last night.
b) Your trainer/assessor will now play the part of your supervisor, Ian. Provide an accurate, verbal report to Ian and discuss what action should be taken from here.
c) Write a full and detailed report that provides an accurate account of disclosures by Justin, previous history of the situation and observations that have been made. This report will be available for providing information to child protection and may be used in court at a later date.

Assessment Task 3: Assist in the implementation of an approved learning framework

a) Investigate and document two examples of how the learning framework is demonstrated in your work placement service.
b) Investigate and document one example of how each principle of the learning framework is demonstrated in your work placement service.
c) Participate in and document one example of how each principle of the frame work is demonstrated in your work placement services.
d) Answer the following questions, drawing on the experience you have gained while completing parts a, b and c of this task:
i. How has sustainability and work health and safety been addressed in the implementation of the Framework?
ii. Who have been the key stakeholders and what have their roles been?
iii. How has inclusivity and cultural diversity been addressed in all aspects of implementation?
iv. In your opinion, what has been the largest challenge - how has this been addressed?
v. In what way could staff contribute to the development or review of policies and procedures at their service?
b) Submit a brief report summarising:
i. Involvements you have in pedagogical practices as these occur.
ii. How you worked with others, including your supervisor, to help implement the framework in your service.
iii. Reflections of how you felt you performed your work and what improvements you might

Assessment Task 4: Skills observation and evidence portfolio

The task for this observation will be for you to demonstrate one pedagogical practice - Assessment Task 3 Part (c) refers. You may work with another educator to perform this task. You are able to refer to notes during this assessment if you wish.

The table below provides you with guidance as to what you will need to demonstrate. You must ensure you demonstrate the skills required in order to be marked as satisfactory for this task.

You will need to:
Introduce your assessor to the other educator(s) and explain how the pedagogical practice was linked to the principles of the Learning Framework
Explain to your assessor how families had been involved with the development and implementation of this particular pedagogical practice
Confirm that families have given permission for their child (or children) to participate in this observation task
Demonstrate a respectful and caring relationship with the child/children
Demonstrate a commitment and respect for diversity and ensured inclusivity
Provide a learning environment that was safe, welcoming and suitable for the requirements of the experience
Use spontaneous opportunities for learning throughout the experience
Demonstrate a responsiveness to the needs of each child
Work within policies, protocols and procedures including adhering to work role and responsibilities
Fulfil their duty of care responsibilities
Work within legal responsibilities and obligations of the work role
Demonstrate a commitment to sustainability in the service
Show a sense of responsibility for own actions
Reflect on own performance on conclusion of the experience and look for improvements for future

Evidence portfolio
Throughout the period of your work placement, you should gather evidence for your evidence portfolio of:

Activity 1
At least three involvements you have had in pedagogical practices:
For each practice consider and document the following points:
- What the practice involved
- What learning outcomes you were aiming to achieve
- Reflections on how the practice was received by the children
- Self-evaluation.

Activity 2
How you worked with others, including your supervisor, to help implement the learning framework in your service including self-reflection.

Activity 3
Reflections of how you felt you performed their work generally

Assessment Task 5: Supervisor report
Your work placement supervisor must observe your skills while you are your placement and provide feedback on your performance to your trainer/assessor using the checklist included in the Supervisor's Booklet. You have been provided a copy of the Supervisor's Booklet which outlines observations required. This must be submitted to your work placement supervisor for completion and submitted for assessment.

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Dissertation: What is the legislation for your state or territory that
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