Question 1 : How many U.S. states outlaw assisting a suicide?
Question 2 : What is the difference between murder and involuntary manslaughter?
Murder requires intent, manslaughter does not
Manslaughter requires intent, murder does not
Murder requires recklessness, manslaughter does not
Manslaughter requires negligence, murder does not
Question 3 : Which type of manslaughter involves provocation?
Involuntary manslaughter
Voluntary manslaughter
Gross negligence
Ordinary negligence
Question 4 : Which type of homicide can be a misdemeanor in some states in the United States?
Voluntary manslaughter
Involuntary manslaughter
Question 5 : What is another name used in criminal justice for "physician-assisted suicide"?
Death with dignity
Murder - Premeditated
Criminal suicide
Question 6 : What is the definition of death as per the common law? The state when a person is not responsive
The state when a person's heart beat and respiration cease
The state when rigor mortis sets in
The state when a person's brain functions cease
Question 7 : Which type of criminal homicide is caused by a failure to exercise reasonable care?
Negligent homicide
Justifiable homicide
Question 8 Which type of criminal homicide does not involve malice? Murder
Negligent homicide
Justifiable homicide
Question 9 : What is the legal definition of death in most states in the United States?
Cessation of respiration
Cessation of the heart beat
Cessation of brain functions
Cessation of response
Question 10 : Which type of criminal homicide involves premeditation?
First degree
Second degree
Depraved heart
Felony murder