Find a stock on Yahoo Finance that offers options. Chose a strike price for a call option of your choice. What is the last price of the call option for the most recent contract? Now look at a contract three months in the future. What is the last price of the call option for the same strike price in the contract in three months?
• Enter a company of your choice whose stock offers options.
• Enter the ticker symbol for that company.
• Enter the call option date for the most recent contract.
• Enter a call option strike price of your choice.
• Enter the last price (premium paid) for the call option strike price that you chose.
• Indicate the call options moneyness (in-the-money, at-the-money, OR out-of-the-money)
• Enter the date of a call option contract that is three months out.
• Using the same strike price as chosen in Q4, enter the call last price (premium paid) for the contract three months out?
• Using concepts in Module 12, discuss why the difference in price for the call option three months out compared to the call option's most recent contract price.