Problem 1: Sawyer's, a local bakery, is making 1407 loaves per month. It hires 5 workers and each worker works 160 hours per month. The pay will be $8 per hour for employees. Capital investment is 1000$ per month and energy costs 2000$ per month. What's the multifactor productivity? (Please keep 3 decimals)
Problem 2: Avery's Bakery has the old labor productivity as 28.86. After the process change, the new labor productivity is 30/labor hour. What's the _____% change? Please keep 2 decimals for your answer .
Problem 3: Avery's Kleen Karpet cleaned 65 rugs in August, consuming the following resources:
Labor: 33 hours at $14 per hour;
Solvent: 100 gallons at $5 per gallon
Machine rental: 20 days at $50 per day
What is the labor productivity? (Please keep 2 digits for your answer)