1. In relation with content analysis, _______ content is the visible, surface content.
a. Direct
b. Latent
c. Manifest
d. None of the above
2. You are asked to agree or disagree on the following, "The U.S. should abandon its space program and spend the money on domestic programs." Which guideline for asking questions did they not follow??
a. Choosing an appropriate question form
b. Making questions clear
c. Allowing double-barreled questions
d. Short questions ?
3. What is the key to probability sampling ?
a. Random selection
b. Organized selection
c. Fixed selection
d. None of the above
4. Which is not a strength of content analysis?
a. Safety
b. Less time
c. Less money
d. Content analysis has a big effect on the subject being studied. ?
5. The visible surface content.
a. Latent
b. Manifest
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above