
What is the key legal issue in the microsoft case do you


Case Study Analysis: Case learning is a method of applying theory to sound practical real world applications. Each selected case provides a description of a problem situation taken from a specific company. The purpose of each case is to augment the course content with applications that enable the CalSouthern Learner to apply text materials to a problem and solve that application problem using Learner selected methods and procedures.

There are no exact answers or perfect solutions to case problems. Indeed, each recommended solution and justification can and is usually different comparatively amongst a group of respondents. The solution must fit the case and must be vigorously supported. The problem statement, analysis, selected solution, and especially the justification of the selected solution, are all critical elements in the case method. There are no short cuts to case presentations but a formalized methodology that enables the case presenter the optimal way to solve the case problem.

In addition to the case analysis; be sure to answer all of the questions given for the case. Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. You must read and follow the Case Submittal Format file found in the course resources area. Please double-space, use 12 point font, with one inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors. You should be doing this often in your response.

Review the case "United States of America, Appellee v. Microsoft Corporation, Appellant, 253 F.3d 34 (D.C. Cir. 2001)" (click on case to link to it)

Prepare a case analysis, using the CASE FORMAT found under the RESOURCES TAB, describing the Microsoft Company presenting the economic aspects of competition. In your analysis please address the below questions. This assignment must cover Microsoft and focus on competition as covered in Chapter 8.

1. What is the key legal issue in the Microsoft case?

2. Do you think Microsoft intentionally tries to create monopolies or are the Microsoft products simply so good they just take over their respective markets and gain majority market share?

3. Do you think competitors like to keep Microsoft in court so there is confusion in the marketplace that they can take advantage of to strengthen their market share?

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Dissertation: What is the key legal issue in the microsoft case do you
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