
What is the key

1.According to John Grisham, how should movies be defined in lawsuits?

2.Who is Natural Born Killers alleged to have inspired Benjamin Darras to kill?

3.With what intent does Grisham claim Natural Born Killers was made?

4.According to Joel Black, what is missing from Natural Born Killers?

5.According to Irwin Winkler, about what is the ratings board puritanical?

6.Grisham's argument could be applied to which of his own works?

7.What hours of the day does the FCC police indecency on the public airwaves?

8.What is the "key" to the determination of indecency?

9.What are the three factors in determining obscenity?

10.Which is legally worse, indecency or obscenity?

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