What is the job of a producer when making a film


DIRECTIONS for the on-line Class: Send this assignment to me by deadline by way of WEBCOM.

You will find the assignment in WEBCOM 2 in assign/test tab.

DIRECTIONS for the on-line Class: The assignment is in WORD and located in WEBCOM 2 in the tab assign/test. You may write out your assignment in WORD and type out your answers in the spaces after the questions into the document (assignment).

You will want to use your textbook, Essential HumanitiesThird edition, and the Study Guide. The Study Guide is in WEBCOM2.You may also use additional information for assignments obtained from the Internet. If you do this, you must cite your source in parenthesis at the end of your answer. If you add additional information from the Internet, this is good idea, but be sure to cite your source in the reference at the end of the assignment also. This applies to photos as well. Give the source credit. Keep track of your sources as you are writing. Write me an email if you have a question about whether a film will be considered a reasonable film to use for this assignment. It must be a film that is considered "art". Films can be considered art if they are creative and have utilized the elements of film. I am also sure you would use our 4 categories of judgement that we have previously studied in this class such as sincerity and magnitude to evaluate the film.

Information about this Film assignment:Select a scene from a "great film considered to be art". Analyze by being extremely observant and looking at the selection of your scene several times. (over and over again) You may want to select a scene that you have on DVD or that is available on YOUTUBE. You must look at the scene several times since you will look at it to write about it after looking at it for the sound, the music, the lighting, the acting, the set design, the camera angles, the camera movements, the makeup, the costumes, and the mood it created. The reason you do this is because you are paying attention to details and why and how the atmosphere was created and how the camera work and the director and musicians were able to create the film. Pay attention to the music or lack of music, the soundtrack theme and the sound or lack of sound. Think about why the director did what he or she did to tell you their story and/or explainideas. Articulate how the scene expresses emotions, a mood, and the human experience. (SLO 1: ULO 1.8. 1.9, 1.10; SLO 2: 2.7, 2.8)

Select a film from the American Film Institute top 25 films.

How do obtain your grade:

For full credit, you need to answer all the questions below. You need to be specific and detailed in your descriptions. Watch the entire film then select a scene to review several times so that you will be able to describe it in your own words.Be sure to cite your sources if you use websites (such as when you look up the director, composer, and sound tracks.)

You need to be very observant in this assignment. Do not copy anyone else's work. I keep a record of former student's papers also, so you must put this in your own words.If you use other's work or remarks, put quote marks and source. You may use the text and study guide without quote marks and just place it at the end as a source.

You need to be sure to be very specific and detailed in your description and use film elements and musical terms. Use references at the end of the paper and make sure that if you use quotations that you list the sources and place websites after the quotes. Please keep a copy of the URL so you can place it at the end of your paper in a bibliography (references). You may want to include photographs/screen shots to help describe the scene.

Here are some examples of films. You may use similar films such as: Citizen Kane, Casa Blanca, Lawrence of Arabia, Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, HUGO, Twelve Angry Men, Amadeus, Hugo, The King's Speech, Annie Hall, High Noon, North by Northwest, Psycho, The Birds, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The King's Speech, Hamlet, The Godfather, Bullitt, It Is A Wonderful Life, etc.

Directions: This is not a synopsis about the film.This is about the camera, and what it did to create the mood in the scene you selected from you film. This is about the Elements of film and the camera movements and angles and the sound and music. It is about the acting, set design, lighting, directing, editing, soundtrack location shots if in that film, possible special effects if in film, costumes, audio, etc.
Answer the following questions with detailed answers for full point value:

1. What is the title of your film?

2. When was your film made?

3. In this film scene that you selected to analyze, describe the scene are you writing about?

4. Now pretend you are the camera --- DESCRIBE the movements and shots that the camera did during the scene.

a) DESCRIBE what type of lighting that was used in your scene. What did you notice about the lighting in the scene?

And if so, please be thorough about explaining how the lighting created the mood and atmosphere. If there was not lighting tell me what substituted for it.

b) DESCRIBE what type of set was used in your scene. Explain how it looked and how the actors or action was done within the set. How did the set help or hinder the situation in your scene?(Explain answer in detail for full point value)

c) DESCRIBE what type of mood was created by answering what type of sound and music or lack of sound and or music was used. (Name music and instruments) Include in your comments how the sound track sounded by explaining how the composer utilized the elements of music such as the rhythm, the beat, the tempo, the volume, the dynamics and melody where and when appropriate. (You may need to use the internet and Google to find out about the soundtrack and composer's names to know about the compositions in your film and scene.)

5 If actors and actresses were in your scene who were they and what did they do to make the scene convincing. Explain their acting skills and explain why it is important to be convincing to the film audience.

6 What is the job of a director of a film?

7 Who was the director of the film you selected? Look this up on the internet (use google)

8 What is the job of a producer when making a film?

9 Explain why you selected this film for this assignment?

10 Why do you think that film is one of the most popular art disciplines in the Humanities?

11 What three type of films are there and give the definition of each:

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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HR Management: What is the job of a producer when making a film
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