
What is the job market

Discuss the following within a word limit of 800 to 1000 words:

Some items to look for and include in your final research report are listed below. Select some or all of the sites below to begin your search and to find information about your field--information related to your present or future occupation. This list is by no means exhaustive, and you will have to use other search devices to find additional information as well. Create this report as a memo report addressed to me; use appropriate headings and format techniques throughout. Pay close attention to citing and documenting your sources.

THe below points you should included in your report:

1. Describe the current state of your field--i.e., what is the job market like in the next few years, how is the field changing, what are ways of increasing one's employment opportunities in the field?

2. Find out what professional associations you might join that are connected with your field, what conventions and/or conferences are held in your field,and discuss the theme of the most current conventions and/or conferences (i.e.; why is the theme important in your field?)

3. Research two academic journals in your field, and talk a bit about the content of the journals - what are some recurring issues you notice in the articles?

4. Research how technology is changing your field. What are some technological developments that you need to be aware of in coming

Some items to look for and include in your final research report are listed below. Select some or all of the sites below to begin your search and to find information about your field--information related to your present or future occupation. This list is by no means exhaustive, and you will have to use other search devices to find additional information as well. Create this report as a memo report addressed to me; use appropriate headings and format techniques throughout. Pay close attention to citing and documenting your sources.
Some of the points to include in your research report:

Describe the current state of your field--i.e., what is the job market like in the next few years, how is the field changing, what are ways of increasing one's employment opportunities in the field?
Find out what professional associations you might join that are connected with your field, what conventions and/or conferences are held in your field,and discuss the theme of the most current conventions and/or conferences (i.e.; why is the theme important in your field?)

Research two academic journals in your field, and talk a bit about the content of the journals - what are some recurring issues you notice in the articles?

Research how technology is changing your field. What are some technological developments that you need to be aware of in coming years? What additional technology training might you need?  Be specific about the name of any software packages or apps, as well company who develops the technology.

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Other Management: What is the job market
Reference No:- TGS01752538

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