
What is the issuesituation i am investigatingwhat do i


This assignment is designed to encourage the development of professional skills through the completion of weekly activities relevant to the role of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professional. Please refer to the course profile to see how this assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes.

These objectives will be measured by the ‘closeness of fit' to meeting the requirements and the assessment criteria below.

Participation Activity


Part A - Analysis

Create a search strategy for finding information relevant to the Report (Assessmentitem 3).

Your search strategy should start with an analysis of the problem. Use the three questions of the Analysis part of the ARE process to frame your analysis. The questions are:

• What is the issue/situation I am investigating?

• What do I already know about the issue/situationand what do I need to find out?

• What are the main ideas of the issue/situation?

How to do this analysis is explained on pages 25-31 of your COIT20233/COIT20249textbook.

Part B - Keywords and Research Sources

The second part of your search strategy should include the keywords and synonyms that you are going to use to search for information relevant to the report topic. It also needs to includewhere you are going to search for this information, that is, which databases, journals, books and websites you will be using.Be specific, don't generalise. That is, write the actual name of the Databases (for example, SCOPUS)and Journals (for example, Journal of Information Systems).Your search strategy should ensure that your sources are relevant, reliable and reputable.

The library guide for COIT20233/COIT20249 explains how to create a search strategy. See:

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