
What is the intelligibility criterion and what is its

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1. The domain of observables is best defined as__________, and its importance in determining the dimensionality of the construct is:.

2. In your research your team is measuring both objects and constructs; please list at least three objects and three constructs. Briefly discuss the concrete and abstract properties of each.

3. What is the intelligibility criterion and what is its significance in data gathering?

4. Define and discuss the each type of validity as discussed in class (text gives four, we discussed five); define and discuss reliability. Discuss what each is, its importance in collection of accurate data, and what you as a researcher must do to ensure the highest reliability of your measurement instrument. Last, how is reliability assessed?

5. Construct operationalization is __________; its importance in the measurement process is:

6. A number of teams erroneously defined the term scale descriptors in presentations over Pt. 3. What is a scale descriptor, what does it mean that as researchers you must consider the appropriateness of scale descriptors, and what is the criterion of the discriminatory power of scale descriptors? Give at least two specific examples from your team's research.

7. What is a micro-survey; what are some of the benefits and some of the advantages of the use of micro-surveys?

8. What is an attitude? What are the three components of an attitude? What are at least two of the attitudes that your team is measuring in your research, and which component(s) of the attitude will be measured?

9. Compare and contrast the trilogy and affect global approaches for explaining attitudes.

10. What is construct development error, what will be the result of the presence of this error in research, how can you control for this error, and what happens if it is not controlled?

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Marketing Research: What is the intelligibility criterion and what is its
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