Scholarly Group Paper: Students will be assigned a group (group size will be between 3-5 students). The group will write a 10-12 page, APA style, paper (title page, abstract, and reference pages are not included in page count).
For this paper, students havepicked a specific topic from the course (Depression) write a comparison of the differences that exist between military and civilian populations.
What is the incidence and prevalence of substance abuse in the military population compared to general population?
In what ways does each group differ? What are (if any) differing consequences and outcomes? Are there unique treatments that are more likely to be utilized with one group or another? This paper requires empirical support and citations throughout. A minimum of ten peer-reviewed resources are required.
My portion is (the abstract and what is the incidence and prevalence of substance abuse in the military population compared to general population?" Totaling 3 pages with 2 peer-reviewed resources