
What is the importance of univision in these issues discuss

Read the article (HUMA 4326 - History of the Spanish language radio) and answer the following questions:

Write at least five (5) lines to answer each question. Remember:

1-What were the first Spanish language publications and how did they come about?

2-What type of programs were offered by early Spanish language radio (SLR)?

3-What relationship existed between SLR and advertising during the first half of the twentieth century?

4-What was the importance of the San Antonio SLR stations in the 1940s?

5-How did immigration from Mexico and Latin America influence the growth of SLR?

6-What does research indicate about Hispanic preferences in regards to English language radio and SLR?

7-What is the importance of UNIVISION in these issues?

8-Discuss five states where SLR continues to increase?

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History: What is the importance of univision in these issues discuss
Reference No:- TGS02384018

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