1. Consider the following scenario: In the role of a health care manager, you are expected to respond daily to urgent and emergency situations as they arise by mobilizing your staff and available resources to reach specific organizational objectives.Discuss how you would describe the function of control involved in this process. What types of controls are useful in a health care organization?Also give one real-life example
2. Let's briefly consider how to control an emergency scenario that can and does happen in our health care facilities...It's amazing how fast an organization can progress from resisting the move to electronic records and registration systems to then being unable to live without them. Backup systems are important, but there are all too frequent natural and manmade disasters which can interrupt even well-protected backup systems. Then what happens?
What would happen in your organizations if the "lights went out" and you were still inundated with patients?
3. Awareness of an organization's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats is a vital part of strategic planning, and the use of SWOT analysis is a common method of comparing internal and external factors that affect an organization.
Discuss the benefits of this type of analysis for a health care organization. Try to use 2 examples from your own organization or one you are familiar with.
4. How do some organizations promote quality and safety? Provide 2 real-world examples(you may wish to review the information at the National Quality Forum, the Baldridge Performance Excellence Program, the National Patient Safety Foundation, etc.)
5. Four Functions of Management-Discuss article..
6. Discuss article
7. As the manager of a busy call center for a health care organization, you note that the volume of calls has doubled over the past year. Although you do not have the budget to hire additional staff, you do have an additional $20,000 to spend on your department to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Write a 150- to 200-word proposal, using the five step planning process that describes how your team might improve efficiency and customer service in your department by focusing on teamwork. Address the following in your team's proposal:
• Why teams are essential to health care
Cite/reference using textbook and other source to support your position.
Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines.
8. Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you address the effects of organizational structure on communication regarding the following scenario:
You are a manager of a large rehabilitation center that provides short-term care rehabilitation services on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Your center is proposing a new addition of long-term care services, and with this expansion, you must hire and train several new employees. Address the following points in your response:
• What are appropriate communication methods for managers within this organization?
• What is the importance of these communication methods within this organizational structure?
• What internal relationships must be considered?
• What external relationships must be considered?
Cite/reference using textbook and other source to support your position.
Format paper consistent with APA guidelines.