
What is the importance of nutrition in the development

Problem: Nutrition during the Adult Years

Note that there is a 5 point extra credit opportunity on topic #2 but you most completely describe all 10 categories to get the extra credit points, just listing all 10 will not get you full credit.

Topics 1 and 2: Adult nutrition and nutrition in the older years

Adult nutrition and nutrition for the older years are hot topic these days as people are living longer but not necessarily living well. I have provided links below on a variety of topics.

Use this first link to review a study regarding seniors and report back on the study below, the original study is on osteoporosis but you can select any study that is interesting to you about chronic disease or issue with aging.

General Nutrition for Seniors (Eat Right.org)
Nutrition and Alzheimer's
David Permultter, MD on diet and Alzheimer's

Just watch the first 20 minutes of Dr. Perlmutter's video.

*Watch the first 60 minutes (but the remainder is very interesting)
If you want to test your functional age, go to the website below.
Functional Age Test

Use the Information above to answer the following questions:

A. Report on your Eat Right article (one paragraph synopsis and your thoughts)

B. What is the importance of nutrition in the development of Alzheimer's. How do the NIH recommendations compare to Dr. Perlmutter's recommendations?

C. In the Science of Healthy aging: What are 2 of reasons behind aging? What are 2 solutions to decrease the aging process? Can we change our genes?

D. What are the 6 of the 10 things you can do to stay young? (If you review all 10 with some details, I will give you 5 extra credit points).

E. What is the link between sleep and aging?

F. What were 3 ideas from this module that were new to you?

G. What lifestyle changes might you adopt (or do you already follow) to improve your chances of a long, high quality/high functioning life?

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Other Subject: What is the importance of nutrition in the development
Reference No:- TGS03289451

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