
What is the implication of a particular teaching strategy


Respond to at least two peers and me the instructor. In your replies, take on the role of a teacher listening to the presentation. Ask questions about your peer's action research study and offer an additional resource for consideration that supports an alternative viewpoint. Though two replies is the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you, including the instructor. Responding to the replies given to you will further the conversation and provide additional opportunities for you to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real-world experiences with this topic.

Instructor Kyger is asking this question please answer it for him.

Thank you for your response to this week's discussions.Researchers at the National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum define differentiated instruction as a process to approach teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class. The intent is to maximize each student's growth and individual success by meeting each student where he or she is . . . rather than expecting students to modify themselves for the curriculum (Hall, 2002). Differentiated instruction is more than just providing instruction in several different formats i.e. lecture, video and audio. Differentiated instruction is teaching to the student's zone of proximal development (the distance between what a learner can demonstrate without assistance and what the learner can do with assistance) (Allan & Tomlinson, 2000; Vygotsky, 1978). According to Tomlinson and Strickland (2005), teachers usually differentiate instruction by adjusting one or more of the following: the content (what students learn); the process (how students learn); or the product (how students demonstrate their mastery of the knowledge or skills).

How would you go about differentiated instruction considering what you know now after completing your AR cycle?

Hall, T. (2002). Differentiated instruction [Online]. Wakefield, MA: CAST. Retrieved from www.cast.org/publications/ncac/ncac_diffinstruc.html

Tomlinson, C. A., & Strickland, C. A. (2005). Differentiation in practice: A resource guide for differentiating curriculum, grades 9-12. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Vygotsky, L. S., (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

The first respond Gustavia Bradford

Question 1. Describe the purpose of your study by writing a statement that completes the following sentence, "The purpose of this study is to..." (two to three sentences)

Question 2. Post your research question (s) - include definition of key technical terms, if necessary. (one to three sentences).

1. Identify the difficulties encountered by English Language Learners in the classroom and its impact toward effective learning.

2. What is the implication of a particular teaching strategy, technique, or methodology in the learning process of English Language Learners in the classroom?

Question 3. Outcomes/Results The "so what?" of your study- Answer to your research questions. (three to four sentences)

Question 4. Assuming you would conduct another cycle of this study, what specific modifications or adjustments would you make, and why? (three to four sentences).

Question 5. Explain why this study is important to school and the students.

Question 6. Explain why this study is important for teachers and other educational practitioners to become researchers of their own practice. (two or three sentences).

Part 2:

Question 1. Attached a link to your electronic portfolio (Pathbrite)

Question 2. Reflect on your experience with redesign of the Week Three Assignment in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcome those challenges.

Research Questions: 1. Is it beneficial for preschool aged children to get prescreened for behavior and mental disorders at the time of enrollment of school? 2. Will this cut down on the time it takes to receive services? 3. Will it be beneficial for students throughout their education to have strategies in place to aid in their disorders and disabilities as opposed to medication? Will parents better receive information if they are a part of the process from the start?

Outcomes: The outcome of the research did not go as I expected. Not this school year at least. I will present it again until the whole entire process is restructured. The administrators did decide to cut the middle man out when screening for behavioral issues. We now go straight to Turning Point Counseling Services instead of going to the Mental Health and Disabilities Coordinator. This could also help with the time frame.

What I would do differently: If I had the chance to conduct the research again, I would probably start the parent surveys at earlier so that I would be able to present the research earlier as to have everything in line for the beginning of the school year.

This study is important to the school and the students because it will help teachers to prepare for students with mental and health disabilities before they enter school/classroom as opposed to waiting the 45-90 for all assessments to be completed to see if the student needs services. Teachers won't get so stressed out with behaviors and will already have a plan in place for any child that has these types of issues.


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