
What is the impact to cognitive social emotional

You will use the information you have gathered and the insight you have gained from Impact Assignment: Part 1 to develop a PowerPoint Presentation of at least 15 slides, including a title slide and a reference slide. Do not exceed 16 slides of content.

This presentation must be created as if you are presenting information to a group of clients regarding the impact your topic has on development.

Assume that they are unfamiliar with your topic and are seeking your help understanding the impact this topic has on them or their family members.

You must use your textbook and the sources you used in Part 1; however, you can also use other relevant sources of information to develop your PowerPoint Presentation.

Include appropriate citations to your sources at the bottom of each slide.


You will use the information you have gathered and the insight you have gained from Impact Assignment: Part 1to develop a PowerPoint Presentation of at least 15 slides, including a title slide and a reference slide.

Do not exceed 16 slides of content.This presentation must be createdas if you are presenting information to a group of clients regarding the impact your topic has on development. Assume that they are unfamiliar with your topic and are seeking your help understanding the impact this topic has on them or their family members.

You must use your textbook and the sources you used in Part 1; however, you can also use other relevant sources of informationto develop your PowerPoint Presentation. Include appropriate citations to your sources at the bottom of each slide.

Your presentation must include these slides:
Title slide (Slide 1)


• How is the topic defined or conceptualized? (Slide 2)

Developmental Impact slides

• At what age and stage does this issue typically impact a person? (Slide 3)

• What is its potential impact on a person's development progress? (Slide 4)

• What is the impact to cognitive, social, emotional, relationship, and/or moral dimensions of development? (Slides 5-6)

Client Awareness:

• How does this topic impact the individual's environment? (Slide 7)

• How does this topic impact the individual's family? (Slide 8)

• What are the best strategies for dealing with this from an individual or family support perspective? (Slides 9-10)

Faith & Professional Perspectives

• Are there Christian principles or biblical themes that provide explanation or clarification you want to include? (Slide 11)

• What can clients expect you to be able to do to help them (you, as a human service professional, or your agency)? (Slide 12)

Resources - Educational readings (These can be the same ones used in Part 1.)

• Provide 2 suggestions of educational readings that you might suggest if a client was impacted by your topic.What reading materials would be most beneficial and appropriate for your clients?

You mustresearch literature, read reviews and excerpts, and become knowledgable and comfortable with the content of the materials. Then, make 2 suggestions of the best information you found and would be comfortable recommending to clients. Provide the title, a link to the source, and a 1-paragraph explanation of the content. (Slide 13)

Resources- Referral sources

• Provide 2 referral sources that you could recommend to clients. Research providers in your local area that offer services and care related to your impact topic.

Provide a web link to the agency or organization. Under the link, provide a 1-paragraph explanation of services they provide that are related to your topic and why you would recommend it. (Slide 14)


Provide a complete list of references in current APA format that you used to inform your presentation. A minimum of 4are required. (Slide 15)

Writing Guidelines:

Include speaking notes for Slides 2-12. Speaking notes are text notes that only the presenter sees during the presentation. You can add these to your presentation by clicking on "click to add notes" at the bottom of each slide when you are viewing it to edit or develop it further.

When presenting a PowerPoint presentation, you onlyneed to include the most relevant information on your slides. However, sometimes you may want to speak about those relevant points in more detail.

Including speaking notes allows you to view extended details while presenting and go beyond just reading from your slides. This is a "best practice" for professional presentations, which is why they must be included in your assignment.

In your presentation, do not write in paragraph form, but rather you must use headings, complete statements, and bullet points to organize your slide content. Use an attractive, professional background. You may use images, but do not let them overwhelm your slides.

Avoid flashing transitions. Use consistent language appropriate for your client audience as well as consistent fonts, colors, and writing styles.

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Dissertation: What is the impact to cognitive social emotional
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