
What is the impact of managing people in practice on staff

Mullins (2011) says that the efficiency and performance of staff and their commitment to the objectives of the organisation are fostered by good effective human relations at work. This demands that proper attention be given to human resource management and employee relations.

what is the impact of managing people in practice on staff and their commitment to the objectives of the organisation critically discuss and evaluate:

- Training and Development
- Rewarding people
- Managing Performance

Your essay must use examples and demonstrate your understanding of how these practices apply to airline and airport management

In analysing selected policies, activities and functions of the HRM( human resource management role within Aviation industry, critically discuss and evaluate the impact that good or bad leadership can have on the success or failure of these and the overall impact it may have to an organisation within airline and airport management.

Essay suggested structure as follows:

Title of Essay at top of page (no front sheet required)

The introduction should be 10% of the word count (150 - 200 words)
It should set the scene and tell the reader what they are going to read about.
The essay question can be paraphrased as a starting point.

Main body guidelines:
Definition of HRM and leadership - there are numerous definitions in the all the books in the reading list and support by academic references (Harvard style).

Analyse the overall practicality of HRM role in designing and implementing (managing) policies and procedures within HEAT as discussed in class. i.e. Select three topics . Include examples from industry to support this.

Critically discuss and evaluate (argue, question) the leadership element and how it can effect the success or failure of how well these policies and procedures work.

Keep in mind to research areas such as culture, values, Mission Statement, employee engagement, and the impact that leadership may have or not and how it is communicated throughout the business.Conclusion:
This is a summary of the essay. No new material should be brought into the conclusion.
i.e. what is the impact that managing people in practice can have on the success or failure of an organisation within HEAT.
This essay is a level 5 essay and requires a minimum of 20 sources. These sources should be books, journals and relevant websites, interviews, presentations, organisations etc. Remember all citations should be in Reference List and all resources in Reference List should be cited.

Expression checklist:
- Is it expressed well?
- Does it sound as if the author knows what they are talking about?

Presentation checklist
- Does the essay look well presented?
- Are paragraphs an appropriate length?
- Is the spelling and grammar correct?

Reference checklist
- Are all references properly cited and listed?
- Are there many specific errors that can be seen?

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Dissertation: What is the impact of managing people in practice on staff
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