Question 1: What is the impact of e-Business on a typical business?
Question 2: What must a company do to transform its strategy when it decides to transform into an e-Business?
Question 3: Why is scalability important in building an e-Business IT infrastructure?
Question 4: How can Internet-based technologies be used to automate the supply chain?
Question 5: Discuss strategic opportunities for e-Commerce enabled supply chains.
Question 6: How can you use the Social Presence Theory to promote more effective communications with customers through marketing?
Question 7: Discuss two Web-based promotional techniques. Provide advantages and disadvantages of using each.
Question 8: How has the advent of the Internet created opportunities for marketing?
Question 9: What, if any, are the dysfunctional aspects of the "New Economy" promoted by e-Business? Identify any legal, ethical, regulatory and social issues that might negatively impact people, organizations and/or society.
Question 10: Discuss organizational ethical processes as well as regulatory and legal rulings that might affect consumer trust when using an e-Business website.
Question 11: Why is benchmarking an important activity in the analysis of e-Business Web sites?
Question 12: Why is it important to keep abreast of technology trends when running an e-Business? Comment on one recent technology trend and discuss how it might affect an e-Business.