
What is the history of management

I want to write a paper on some aspect of management. An example of a good research question might be:

a) What is the history of management theory?

b) Which management theory was popular in 1990?

c) What factors have influenced the rise of self-managed teams in the health care industry?

d) What percentage of self-managed teams in the health care industry are successful?

2. If you are searching for federal food regulations, the best place to search would be:

a) the Food Info Net Regulations Web site

b) the USDA Agriculture Web site

c) the Library of Congress Science Reference Guides Locating Health and Medical Information

d) Health Source: Consumer Edition database

3. If you are doing research on discrimination in the workplace, the best database to consult would be:


b) ACM Digital Library

c) Points of View Reference Center

d) ABI/Inform

4. You find an article in a journal and are not certain whether or not the journal is scholarly. Which of the following is NOT a criterion to use in deciding if an article is worth considering for scholarly research?

a) relevance

b) correct use of APA style

c) currency of publication

d) intended audience

5. As you are conducting research on the free Web for your paper on the benefits of good communication between management and employees, you find a fascinating article written by Dr. Ralph Shrader. He is stated to have over a 45-year career of managerial consulting and is now the chief executive of one the most well-known management-consulting firms in the world. Make the best decision about the use of this material.

a) Use the material, because it is written by one of the world's foremost experts, who has worked with a wide-variety of organizations for many years.

b) Do NOT use the material, because it may promote the biased perspective of one person.

c) Use the material, but only after validating the key points of Dr. Shrader's article.

d) Do NOT use the material, because Dr. Schrader's perspective may be too commercial.

6. You find an image on the Web without a copyright notice or owner listed and want to use it in your PowerPoint presentation for class. What is the policy that applies?

a) You can use the image freely because there is no copyright notice.

b) You can use the image, but you need to cite the source.

c) You can use the image freely since no name is XXXXX XXXXX the owner of the image.

d) You cannot use the image because it belongs to the owner of the Web site.

7. You have written a research paper and are now preparing your annotated reference list. Which of the following materials can you use freely in your annotations?

a) an article summary from the database abstract, because it is in the public domain

b) a biography about the author from her university, because it is intended to promote the author?s research

c) ideas about the article?s validity from other experts, because they have already cited the author

d) a and b

e) none of the above

8. You use the following article from ABI/Inform Complete in your research paper: Teaching Managers to Appraise Performances by Donna L. Mitchell and Esther Green in Nursing Management, Mar. 1996, Vol. 27, Issue 3, pages 48-49. The URL for the jounal is https://www.nursingmanagement.com. How would you cite it in APA 6th edition format?

a) Mitchell, D. L. & Green, E. (1996). ?Teaching Managers to Appraise Performances.? 27(3): 48-49. Retrieved from ABI/Inform Complete database

b) Mitchell, D. L., & Green, E. (1996). Teaching managers to appraise performances. Nursing Management, 27(3), 48-49. Retrieved from https://proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.umuc.edu/pqdweb?did=12920352&sid=1&Fmt=4&clientId=8724&RQT=309&VName=PQD

c) Mitchell, D. L., & Green, E. (1996). Teaching managers to appraise performances. Nursing Management, 27(3), 48-49. Retrieved from https://www.nursingmanagement.com

d) XXXXX, XXXXX L. and Esther Green. Teaching Managers to Appraise Performances. Nursing Management, Mar96, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p48C-48D. Retrieved from https://www.nursingmanagement.com

9. If you were researching telecommuting and its effect on productivity and your search using the search term, telecommuting, produced too many irrelevant results, how might you change your search statement to cover the key concepts more thoroughly and find the most relevant search results?

a) (telecommuting AND teleworking) AND (productivity OR output)

b) (telecommuting AND teleworking) OR (productivity AND output)

c) telecommuting OR (teleworking AND productivity)

d) (telecommuting OR teleworking) AND (productivity OR output)

10. If you are doing research on technology and pharmaceuticals, the best database to consult would be:

a) ABI/Inform

b) Health Source: Consumer Edition

c) BIOSIS Previews

d) AgeLine

11. You find a well-designed Web site with a URL that ends in .com. The site supports your research on a controversial topic in finance. What is the most important step you should take?

a) Verify the data found on the .com site in a library database that contains finance-related information.

b) Try to find more reliable information on a .edu site.

c) Confirm the author's use of charts and graphs.

d) none of the above

12. Your small business is the support unit for various learning software products sold by other vendors, and purchased by academic institutions. With the increasing popularity of these software solutions, growing your business requires reviewing current research and information on new products, product performance, and statistics on the market. What type of resource will best keep you up-to-date?

a) trade journal

b) scholarly review

c) popular magazine

d) Bureau of Labor and Statistics Web site

13. You are doing research on the use of mobile technology such as cell phones or PDAs in patient care. Which of the following groups of subject terms would be the best for searching the subject field of a health database like Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition on this topic?

a) Information Technology, Patient Care

b) Wireless communication, Medical Care

c) Telecommunication in Medicine, Medical Care

d) Hospitals, Medical Technology

14. You are using a chapter from an E-book in your research paper. Published in 2007, the book is called The Handbook of Mentoring at Work and is edited by Belle Rose Ragins and Kathy E. Kram. The chapter by Katherine Giscombe is on pages 549-575 in the book and is titled Advancing Women Through the Glass Ceiling With Formal Mentoring. The book is available in print, published by Sage Publications in Thousand Oaks, California, but you read it on January 12, 2011 in the UMUC database Sage Online Reference Collections, at How would you cite it in APA 6th edition format?

a) Giscombe, Katherine. "Advancing Women through the Glass Ceiling with Formal Mentoring." The Handbook of Mentoring at Work. Eds. Ragins, Belle Rose, and Kathy E. Kram. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007. 549-575. Sage Online Reference Collections.

b) Giscombe, K. (2007). Advancing women through the glass ceiling with formal mentoring. In B. R. Ragins & K. E. Kran, (Eds.), The Handbook of Mentoring at Work (pp. 549-575). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

c) Giscombe, K. (2007). Advancing women through the glass ceiling with formal mentoring. In B. R. Ragins & K. E. Kran, (Eds.), The Handbook of Mentoring at Work (pp. 549-575). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

d) Giscombe, K. (2007.) Advancing women through the glass ceiling with formal mentoring. In B. R. Ragins & K. E. Kran, (Eds.), The Handbook of Mentoring at Work (549-575). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

15. If you were researching the effectiveness of Project-Based Learning in increasing student motivation, and your search using the phrase Project-Based Learning did not produce enough relevant articles, how might you change your search statement to cover the key concepts more thoroughly and find the most relevant search results?

a) (project based learning AND motivation) OR (process writing AND engagement) AND (student* OR learner*)

b) (project based learning OR process writing) OR (motivation OR engagement) AND (student* OR learner*)

c) (project based learning OR process writing) AND (motivation OR engagement) AND (student* AND learner*)

d) (project based learning OR process writing) AND (motivation OR engagement) AND (student* OR learner*)

16. Which of the following research questions is too broad for a graduate level research paper?

a) How does culture affect communication in virtual teams at IBM Corporation?

b) How has technology improved educational practices in the United States?

c) How does customer service outsourcing affect retail sales of computers?

d) How does Mexican immigration affect restaurant businesses in the United States?

17. If you are doing research on health insurance and alternative therapies, the best database to consult would be:

a) Factiva


c) ScienceDirect

d) Access Science

18. You are writing a research paper on the dangers of using cell phones while driving as compared to driving while intoxicated. Your initial search for scholarly articles gives you a small number of relevant articles. Which of the following are useful for finding more results?

a) subject terms from a relevant database record

b) cited references in the articles you find

c) a more narrow search statement

d) a and b

e) a, b, and c

19. You use the following book that you found in the USMAI catalog in your research paper: eHealth Solutions for Healthcare Disparities, edited by Michael Christopher Gibbons, and published by Springer in New York in 2008. How would you cite it in APA 6th edition format?

a) Gibbons, Michael C. (Ed.). (2008). ehealth solutions for healthcare disparities. New York, NY: Springer.

b) Gibbons, Michael C. (Ed.). (2008). ehealth solutions for healthcare disparities. New York: Springer.

c) Gibbons, M. C. (Ed.). (2008). ehealth solutions for healthcare disparities. New York, NY: Springer.

d) Gibbons, M. C. (Ed.). (2008). ehealth solutions for healthcare disparities. Retrieved from https://catalog.umd.edu

20. You are writing a paper on women leaders in the Information Technology field. Which of the following materials do you have to cite?

a) information obtained from a casual conversation with your professor from another class

b) information paraphrased from a Web site

c) information that is widely known, and considered "common knowledge"

d) b and c

e) a and b

21. You are writing a graduate research paper about the use of computers to address issues in student attention spans. Which source is the most appropriate for further investigation?

a) an article in Scholastic Parent and Child entitled "She Won't Sit Still!", written by a clinical professor of psychiatry, behavioral science, and pediatrics at XXXXX XXXXX University Medical School

b) a book entitled 10 days to a less distracted child, written by an author who is also a licensed psychologist and whose work has been quoted on television and in multiple magazines

c) an article in the Journal of Educational Technology & Society entitled "Dealing with the students' attention problem in computer supported face-to-face lecturing," written by researchers from the Department of Computer Science, University of Chile

d) none of the above

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