
What is the history of ethics in research timeline


This folder contains the research ethics assignment. The assignment has two parts. Additionally in Part 2 you will try a note taking strategy when you read your ethics article. You will upload a short reflection of how the strategy worked for you. It also haves the pdfs of the four choices of articles to read.

Research Ethics

Before we even think about getting started on research, research ethics needs to be considered. The history of how humans have treated each other in the name of research has not been stellar. In November 2010, President Obama ordered a review of research ethics guidelines because there was evidence discovered about a significant ethics violation involving human subjects. It was revealed that American scientists intentionally infected citizens of Guatemala, who were in a mental hospital at the time, with syphilis in the 1940's. Even if the research is going to happen in one small classroom or a nonprofit organization, or in one small town, proper research ethics procedures must be followed.

Reading: There are three reading tasks to accomplish to enhance your understanding of research ethics.

1. What is the history of ethics in research? TimeLine investigation.

2. Examine ethics in research by reading an article in depth to develop a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding ethics in research.

Assignment: Note- This is one of the few times we will use the forums to respond to readings. Length of post is not the issue. What is in the post is!

Part 1. Post a response to reading task 1: Prompts and ideas are provided but you do not have to go by them. You can start a thread. You can respond to a thread, or both.

Part 2. Bring a response to reading task 2: Highlight and/or write statements in response to the article you choose. You will work in a group in class to form a group response.

Reading Task 1: Explore the history of ethics in research timeline.

One of the responsibilities of the National Institute of Health is to provide ethics training for researchers. They developed an online research in ethics training course. That course shares some of the historical issues and studies concerning ethics in research. This task will take you to the NIH timeline of the ethics in research, and to two recent ethics in research events. You should consider the implications of research ethics in these studies as well as for conducting research in your own professional setting. (forum prompts to consider are in italics)

A. Go to the Timeline of Events https://phrp.nihtraining.com/history/07_history.php

Move through the timeline, clicking on each event. The timeline shows what has been happening in ethics in research since 1932. There are several different kinds of ethics issues presented in the timeline. As you explore the timeline, think about: what do you notice? What stands out?

Try to look for a few similarities and differences as you move through the events on the timeline, and the second hand smoke and red wine and autism events.

B. Ethics issue - about exposing children to second hand smoke


C. about the benefits of red wine and about the autism vaccination and a few others


Also, consider posting questions you have about research ethics.

Reading Task 2: Read one ethics article. You choose one from the list provided.

Research ethics articles - Select one (all are full text articles thru WOU library EBSCO databases.) also posted.

Mayne, F., & Howitt, C. (2014). Reporting of ethics in early childhood journals: A meta-analysis of 10 journals from 2009 to 2012. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 39(2), 71-79.

Moon, T. R. (2011). A primer on research ethics in the field of gifted education. Gifted Child Quarterly, 55(3), 223-229. doi:10.1177/0016986211412163

Nolen, A. L., & Putten, J. V. (2007). Action research in education: addressing gaps in ethical principles and practices. Educational Researcher, 36(7), 401-407.

Warrell, J. G., & Jacobsen, M. (2014). Internet research ethics and the policy gap for ethical practice in online research settings. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 44(1), 22-37.

Think about the NIH timeline, the articles on second hand smoke and autism, and the ethics article you read. Using specific examples (not summaries) from these sources, share your thoughts, perspectives, concerns, and/or questions about conducting human subjects research in your setting or profession. Perhaps you can make connections with research you have done in the past, and/or about research in which you have been a participant. The response should

· showcase your understanding about what ethics in research entails and why it is important;

· your being able to take some generalizations about research ethics - going from the broad to the specific - you r professional setting; and

· being able to directly use information from readings to formulate your response.

Post your reflection about your note taking strategy used while reading your ethics article.

One paragraph- did it work? how did it or did it not work? what would you like to keep? to change?

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Dissertation: What is the history of ethics in research timeline
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