
What is the history of civil rights


Research Paper

The Issue: To research, and discover credible reliable information and be able to ascertain the truth and not be manipulated or persuaded without being educated.

Research: Research ALL the following sections.

Analysis: Please research, site examples and analyze all sections by using multiple political sources from different political perspectives. The more thorough the research paper, the better chance of receiving a higher grade.

1. Discuss one Civil Liberty and make an argument for its Constitutional protection

2. Discuss the History of Civil Rights starting with the congressional votes for and against.

3. Discuss the following Political Issues sources from both sides.

a. Mandatory vaccines

b. Discuss. Should a person, entity, agency or government be able to control, alter of forbid a U.S. citizen from their Constitutional rights?

Conclusion: What have your learned completing this assignment? Discuss.

Political Research Paper requirements:

The Political Research Papers fulfill the University research requirement and may include but is not limited to research of; The Federal Reserve, Czars, executive orders, U.S. Debt, political issues, politicians, voting records, media bias, conducting polls, observing Congressional hearings, discussing civil liberties and understanding the historical accuracy behind the constitution of the United States. Students must write their entire papers.

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History: What is the history of civil rights
Reference No:- TGS02063947

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