
What is the governments property tax rate - does this fund

1. What are the main sources of the government's revenues, including those from both governmental andbusiness-type activities?

2. How are revenues from property taxes accounted for,i.e., as a single amount, or in multiple categories?Identify the various categories and indicate the percentage breakdown. (e.g., residentialpropertytaxesare50 percent of the total property tax revenues.)

3. What is the government's property tax rate?

4. How does the government classify its governmentalexpenditures, by function or by ‘‘object''? Are theclassi?cations approximately the same in both the

Government-wide and the fund statements?

5. What was the city's largest expenditure for ?scal year2011? By how much did this increase or decrease sinceFY 2010? Since FY 2005 (see statistical section)? Canyou draw any inferences from this comparison as to theef?ciency and effectiveness of the city in providing thisservice? If not, what other information would you needto make such a judgment?

6 Select one of the more recently established (andlarger) capital projects funds (a major fund, if thereis one).

a. From where did the fund receive most of itsresources?

b. Did the city acquire or constructnew capitalassets using resources of this fund? If so, in whatamount?

c. Does this fund have any long-term debts associatedwith it? If so, does the government maintain a debtservice fund to account for the resources to servicethe debt?

7. What are the principal classes of capital assets associated with governmental activities that the City reportsin its ?nancial statements?

8. How much depreciation did the government charge inits government-wide statements on capital assets usedin governmental activities?

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Taxation: What is the governments property tax rate - does this fund
Reference No:- TGS01141993

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