
What is the general policy implication of padgett and

Which of the following combination of risk and needs are most frequently the focus of problem-solving courts?

Higher-risk, higher-need in a specific area

Lower-risk, lower-need

Lower-risk, higher-need in a specific area

Higher-risk, lower-need

Which of the following is a type of informal social control shown to be important in explaining why criminals stop committing crime?

Meeting a police officer


Starting a family

Identity shifts

Which of the following criminal justice responses best fits the principles of justice reinvestment?

A judge decides to stop using a sentencing matrix when deciding on dispositions for juvenile offenders

To reduce prison populations for low risk offenders, a state passes a law requiring certain offenders to receive probation in lieu of prison.

A hospital includes criminal history in its emergency room intake forms

A municipality upgrades its emergency dispatch center

What is the general policy implication of Padgett and colleagues' (2006) study on the effectiveness of electronic monitoring (EM)?

EM cannot help most probationers, but it is effective for parolees

Problem-solving courts can help divert low-risk offenders from prison

EM in the community may be effective compared to imprisonment

There are too many technical malfunctions for EM to be effective

Which actor within the courtroom workgroup makes the final decision in problem-solving courts?

Juvenile Probation Officer



Defense attorney

At what point in the criminal justice process does prisoner reentry typically begin?

While the inmate is still in prison

After the police detain the offender

After educational programming is completed

After correctional supervision ends

Which of the following is NOT a focus of restorative justice responses?

Restoration of community relationships

Offender accountability

Victim reparation

Police efficacy

Match the parole board decision to the appropriate term for revocation hearing outcomes.

A.Return to Community

B.Parole Revoked


Parolee is returned to prison due to lack of residence only until stable housing is established.

- A. B. C.

Parolee is sent to prison to serve the remainder of their term of incarceration.

- A. B. C.

Parolee is given additional special conditions of community supervision and returned to the custody of the parole office.

- A. B. C.

Parolee cannot visit a person that they got into an altercation with, but they can return home.

- A. B. C.

Parolee cannot find work, so the parole board decides to keep the parolee in a correctional facility pending a vocational skills program.

- A. B. C.

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