
What is the gap in knowledge or opportunity your research

Ensure the title accurately reflects the aim of the research

· Section 1: Research aim(s), rationale and objectives(approx. 600 words)

o State the aim(s) of the research - ‘broad, ambitious but not beyond possibility'.

o Explain the rationale: what is the gap in knowledge or opportunity your research will address? Why is this important for the discipline, practice, end users?

NB Use references to make your argument.

o What are the overall research objectives i.e. the intended outcomes of the research NB objectives should be self-contained, result in clear outcomes and map out aprogram of research will provide new insight in relation to the stated research aim.

· Section 2: Research plan for one year of research(approx. 1250 words )

o Imagine you are planning one year of research for one person. Prepare a research plan that will deliver one or more of the objectives introducedinsection 1.

o Locate your research plan in terms of systems of inquiry - induction, deduction, abduction. Compare and discuss induction, deduction and abduction. Explain why your chosen system of inquiry is the most effective or appropriate way to achieve your research aim(s).

NB Locate existing research that uses a similar approach to make your argument.

o By reference to research guides, describe the methods you will use in your research plan. NB ensure you demonstrate your understanding of your chosen methods by referring to one or more of the references introduced in class presentations (Groat& Wang, 2013, Fellows and Liu, 2015, Moloney et al, 2015)

o Explain why the sequence of methods is the most effective and appropriate way to address the research aim(s) given the resources available (one person one year).

· Section 3: Research plan for 11 week research project(approx. 600 words )

o Describe one of the above methods in detail,as the basis for a research project that can be completed within the 11 weeks allocated for the A+B thesis.

o Plan week by week activities using an annotated diagram (approx. 20 hours per week) to demonstrate that your plan can be completed within 11 weeks of study.

· References

o Use Harvard referencing style to cite your sources in the above sections, and insert a list of references under this heading. (You are advised to set up a Menderley reference library to assist in inserting referencing and a bibliography).

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Dissertation: What is the gap in knowledge or opportunity your research
Reference No:- TGS02634197

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