Examine the procedure DOES SOMETHING below and answer the following questions. a. What is the function of the procedure DOES SOMETHING? b. What is the time complexity of the procedure? c. If A[l .. r] = [24, 30, 09, 46, 15, 19, 29, 86,78], what is the output? Procedure DOES SOMETHING(A,l,r) Input: Array A(l .. r) 1. x ← A[l]; i ← l; j ←r; 2. while i < j do 3. while A[i] ≤ x and i ≤ r do i ← i +1; 4. while A[j] > x and j ≥ l do j ← j -1; 5. if i< j then 6. exchange A[i] ↔ A[j]; 7. q ← j; 8. exchange A[l] ↔ A[q];