What is the function of chip breakers


1. What is an orthogonal cutting? Give two examples.

2. List out the difference between orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting.

3. What is the function of chip breakers?

4. Name any two conditions for continous chip formation while machining.

5. How can built up edge formed during machining be avoided?

6. What are desirable properties of cutting fluids?

7. Define tool wear and mention the types.

8. Define tool life.

9. What are the four important characteristics of materials used for cutting tools?

10. What is meant by tool signature?

11. What are the main functions of cutting fluids?

12. Name the factors that contribute to poor surface finish in cutting.

13. Define machinability of metal.

14. Write Taylor's tool life equation.

15. What is shear plane angle?

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Physics: What is the function of chip breakers
Reference No:- TGS01979915

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