
What is the function of an operating system what are the


1. Mark the following statements as true or false.

a. The first device known to carry out calculations was the Pascaline.
b. Modern-day computers can accept spoken-word instructions but cannot imitate human reasoning.
c. In ASCII coding, every character is coded as a sequence of 8 bits.
d. A compiler translates a high-level program into assembly language.
e. The arithmetic operations are performed inside CPU, and if an error is found, it outputs the logical errors.
f. A sequence of 0s and 1s is called a decimal code.
g. A linker links and loads the object code from main memory into the CPU for execution.
h. Development of a C++ program includes six steps.
i. A program written in a high-level programming language is called a source program.
j. ZB stands for zero byte.
k. The first step in the problem-solving process is to analyze the problem.
l. In object-oriented design, a program is a collection of interacting functions.

2. Name two input devices.

3. Name two output devices.

4. Why is secondary storage needed?

5. What is the function of an operating system?

6. What are the two types of programs?

7. What are the differences between machine languages and high-level languages?

8. What is a source program?

9. Why do you need a compiler?

10. What kind of errors are reported by a compiler?

11. Why do you need to translate a program written in a high-level language into machine language?

12. Why would you prefer to write a program in a high-level language rather than a machine language?

13. What is linking?

14. What are the advantages of problem analysis and algorithm design over directly writing a program in a high-level language?


1. Mark the following statements as true or false.

a. An identifier can be any sequence of digits and letters.
b. In C++, there is no difference between a reserved word and a predefined identifier.
c. A C++ identifier can start with a digit.
d. The operands of the modulus operator must be integers.
e. If a = 4; and b = 3;, then after the statement a = b; the value of b is still 3.
f. In the statement cin >> y;, y can only be an int or a double variable.
g. In an output statement, the newline character may be a part of the string.
h. The following is a legal C++ program:
int main()
return 0;
i. In a mixed expression, all the operands are converted to floating-point numbers.
j. Suppose x = 5. After the statement y = x++; executes, y is 5 and x is 6.
k. Suppose a = 5. After the statement ++a; executes, the value of a is still 5 because the value of the expression is not saved in another variable.

2. Which of the following are valid C++ identifiers?

a. myFirstProgram
c. C++Program2
d. quiz7
e. ProgrammingLecture2
f. 1footEquals12Inches
g. Mike'sFirstAttempt
h. Update Grade
i. 4th
j. New_Student

3. Which of the following is a reserved word in C++?

a. Const b. include c. Char d. void e. int f. Return

4. What is the difference between a keyword and a user-defined identifier?

5. Are the identifiers firstName and FirstName the same?

6. Evaluate the following expressions.

a. 25 / 3 b. 20 - 12 / 4 * 2 c. 32 % 7 d. 3 - 5 % 7
e. 18.0 / 4 f. 28 - 5 / 2.0 g. 17 + 5 % 2 - 3
h. 15.0 + 3.0 * 2.0 / 5.0

7. If x = 5, y = 6, z = 4, and w = 3.5, evaluate each of the following statements, if possible. If it is not possible, state the reason.

a. (x + z) % y b. (x + y) % w c. (y + w) % x d. (x + y) *w
e. (x % y) % z f. (y % z) % x g. (x *z) % y h. ((x *y) *w) *z

8. Given:

int num1, num2, newNum;
double x, y;

Which of the following assignments are valid? If an assignment is not valid, state the reason.

When not given, assume that each variable is declared.

a. num1 = 35;
b. newNum = num1 - num2;
c. num1 = 5; num2 = 2 + num1; num1 = num2 / 3;
d. num1 * num2 = newNum;
e. x = 12 * num1 - 15.3;
f. num1 * 2 = newNum + num2;
g. x / y = x * y;
h. num2 = num1 % 2.0;
i. newNum = static_cast (x) % 5;
j. x = x + y - 5;
k. newNum = num1 + static_cast (4.6 / 2);

9. Do a walk-through to find the value assigned to e. Assume that all variables are properly declared.
a = 3;
b = 4;
c = (a % b) * 6;
d = c / b;
e = (a + b + c + d) / 4;

10. Which of the following variable declarations are correct? If a variable declaration is not correct, give the reason(s) and provide the correct
variable declaration.
n = 12; //Line 1
char letter = ; //Line 2
int one = 5, two; //Line 3
double x, y, z; //Line 4

11. Which of the following are valid C++ assignment statements? Assume that i, x, and percent are double variables.

a. i = i + 5; b. x + 2 = x; c. x = 2.5 *x; d. percent = 10%;

12. Write C++ statement(s) that accomplish the following.

a. Declare int variables x and y. Initialize x to 25 and y to 18.
b. Declare and initialize an int variable temp to 10 and a char variable ch to 'A'.
c. Update the value of an int variable x by adding 5 to it.
d. Declare and initialize a double variable payRate to 12.50.
e. Copy the value of an int variable firstNum into an int variable tempNum.
f. Swap the contents of the int variables x and y. (Declare additional variables, if necessary.)
g. Suppose x and y are double variables. Output the contents of x, y, and the expression x + 12 / y - 18.
h. Declare a char variable grade and set the value of grade to 'A'.
i. Declare int variables to store four integers.
j. Copy the value of a double variable z to the nearest integer into an int variable x.

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Computer Engineering: What is the function of an operating system what are the
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