Discuss the below:
Q1: The figure shows a standing wave oscillating at 100 Hz on a string.

What is the wave speed?
Q2: A 40-cm-long tube has a 40-cm-long insert that can be pulled in and out. A vibrating tuning fork is held next to the tube. As the insert is slowly pulled out, the sound from the tuning fork creates standing waves in the tube when the total length is 42.5 cm, 56.7 cm, and 70.9 cm.

What is the frequency of the tuning fork?
Q3: A 50-cm-long wire with a mass of 1.0 g and a tension of 440 N passes across the open top of a vertical tube partially filled with water. The wire, which is fixed at both ends, is bowed at the center so as to vibrate at its fundamental frequency and generate a sound wave. The water level in the tube is slowly lowered until the sound wave from the wire sets up a standing wave in the tube. It is then lowered another 36.0 cm until the next standing wave is detected.
Use this information to determine the speed of sound in air.