
What is the formula of the blue precipitation present

In testing a relative stabilities of Cu (II) species using a well plate, a student adds 6 drops of 1 M of NH3 to 6 drops of 0.1 M of Cu(NO3)2. He observes that a blue precipitate initially forms, but that in excess NH3 the precipitate dissolves and the solution turns blue. Then the addition of 6 drops of 1 M of NaOH to the dark blue solution results in the formation of a blue precipitate.

1) What is the formula of Cu(II) species in the dark blue solution?

2) What is the formula of the blue precipitation present after addition of 1 M of NaOH.

3) Which spiecies is more stable in equal concentrations of NH3 and OH-, question 1 or question 2. And Why?

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Chemistry: What is the formula of the blue precipitation present
Reference No:- TGS0749729

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