
What is the first step in the planning process when

1. What can be used to help an employee develop a more realistic understanding of his or her strengths and weaknesses, and make career moves that will benefit from those strengths?

A. Reality shocks

B. Psychological contracts

C. Career plans

D. Career management

E. Job rotation

2. Which of the following focuses on longer term career goals and an employee's motivation for achieving those goals?

A. Communication skills

B. Coaching

C. Mentoring

D. Supervising

E. Professional competence

3. What type of plan reflects performance appraisal ratings and training plans based on those ratings?

A. Career management

B. Mentoring

C. Career planning and development

D. Job rotation schedule

E. Coaching opportunities

4. Which of the following will merge an employee's performance appraisals, preferences, and developmental needs to create opportunity for the employee?

A. Share control

B. Strategic human resource management

C. Professional competence

D. ?Career-oriented appraisal

E. Mentoring

5. Which rate tracks how quickly people leave a firm?

A. Job withdrawal

B. Transfer

C. Demotion

D. Turnover

E. Retention

6. According to one cited study, voluntary and involuntary turnover is associated with _______.

A. decreased intangible costs

B. decreased tangible costs

C. increased morale among high performers

D. reduced organizational performance

E. higher pay rates

7. What do top-performing employees cite as the number-one reason why they would leave an organization?

A. Career development

B. Workdash–lifebalance

C. Promotion opportunity

D. Stress

E. Pay

8. Of the top five reasons why top performers leave an organization, _______ was ranked the lowest.

A. promotion opportunity

B. ?health-care benefits

C. workdash–life balance

D. stress

E. career development

9. Some firms are finding they can significantly improve turnover rates by providing _______.

A. supervisory training

B. employee hotlines

C. realistic job previews

D. better health insurance and other benefits

E. flexible hours

10. To prevent claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 regarding discrimination in promotional opportunity, promotional procedures should be _______.

A. clear and objective

B. based on seniority

C. based on competence

D. informal

E. based on potential for future performance

11. Which of the following describes the criteria a firm uses to award promotions?

A. Horizontal replacement charts

B. Formal promotion policies

C. Replacement charts

D. Job posting policies

E. Employee qualification databanks

12. To increase the number of women and minorities in key leadership positions, firms need to _______.

A. arrange for women and minorities to mentor with men in leadership positions

B. allow for transfers to and from leadership positions

C. provide high visibility assignments

D. allow for meetings to be held later in the evening

E. adopt flexible career tracks

13. Why should organizations develop a plan that allows retirement-age workers to keep working in a reduced capacity past retirement age?

A. It would reduce their turnover costs.

B. ?Semi-retired workers need less in wages and benefits.

C. There is a severe shortage of talented workers.

D. Older workers can train new employees in areas such as customer service and? in-house technology.

E. Older workers are more loyal and committed to the organization.

14. Which of the following is caused by disrespectful behavior towards a manager or other extreme behavior on the part of the employee?

A. Insubordination

B. Misconduct

C. Adverse attitude

D. Unsatisfactory performance

E. Failure to meet normal job requirements

15. Allowing an employee to quit his or her job for any reason and allowing the employer to terminate an individual's employment for any reason is the main premise of the tenet of _______.

A. terminate at will

B. public policy exceptions

C. common law employment

D. statutory exceptions

E. wrongful discharge

16. In a _______, the plaintiff argues that he or she quit because the former employer made the work situation intolerable.

A. wrongful discharge claim

B. common law exception claim

C. statutory discharge claim

D. public policy exception claim

E. constructive discharge claim

17. Which of the following will help minimize the personal liability a supervisor faces when preparing to terminate an employee?

A. Follow all company policies and procedures.

B. Allow the employee to immediately gather their belongings and leave.

C. Gradually lead into the termination after discussing other issues.

D. Have all severance package information prepared ahead of time.

E. Inform the employee they are being terminated on the phone or via email.

18. What is the first step in the planning process when considering downsizing?

A. Identifying areas of engagement and teamwork that might be redundant

B. Complying with all applicable laws

C. Allowing remaining employees to ask questions about their future in the organization

D. Making sure the right people are let go

E. Planning for security

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Operation Management: What is the first step in the planning process when
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