
What is the first name of the taxpayer in the case you find


A. One of the tax partners at your firm hears about a recent article explaining the tax treatment of loan forgiveness of public service loans. The partner asks you to find the article using the WG&L section of Checkpoint and email it to him. The article was written by Keith Donnelly and was published in 2022. What journal published the article?

B. Your client owns over 200 acres of chestnut groves and is in the business of raising piglets. During autumn, the piglets live solely on the fallen chestnuts, as well as their mother's milk. During the year, 90% of the chestnut trees were destroyed by blight. As a result, piglet production has rapidly declined, as well as profits. Your client wants to know if he will be able to take a loss related to the death of the chestnut trees. Find a 1973 case directly on point to your client's facts. What is the first name of the taxpayer in the case you find?

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Business Management: What is the first name of the taxpayer in the case you find
Reference No:- TGS03230611

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