
What is the first main point or reason of your paper what


Looking for someone to write a persuasive essay on the following topic "Accounting as an integrated part of today's world. Would companies be able to do without it?" Please note, I don't need someone who is going to copy and paste information. I am looking for someone with originality as if they were writing a paper for themselves. I am attaching the milestone guide as a reference.

The paper should be written in APA format and include the following:

Introduction Paragraph: What is the topic of your essay? How do you plan to grab the reader's attention at the beginning of your essay?

Introduction Paragraph: What is your thesis statement?

Supporting Paragraph 1: What is the first main point or reason of your paper?

Supporting Paragraph 1: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

Supporting Paragraph 1: Explain how this evidence supports your point?

Supporting Paragraph 2: What is the first main point or reason of your paper?

Supporting Paragraph 2: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

Supporting Paragraph 2: Explain how this evidence supports your point?

Supporting Paragraph 3: What is the first main point or reason of your paper?

Supporting Paragraph 3: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

Supporting Paragraph 3: Explain how this evidence supports your point?

Supporting Paragraph 4: What is the first counterargument you will respond to?

Supporting Paragraph 4: How do you respond to or rebut the counterargument described above?

Conclusion Paragraph: What were the most important points you made in the responses above?

Conclusion Paragraph: Reiterate your thesis statement. Be sure to state your thesis statement differently than you did in the introduction paragraph.

Milestone Guidelines

5-6 Draft

Overview: Persuasion is a constant in each and every one of our lives. No matter where we look, what we read, what we see, or who we interact with, we are inevitably going to encounter some form of persuasion. Advertisements want us to buy things. Newspapers and television want to convince us of what we should feel about events. We are put into positions where we must defend our thoughts and beliefs to others, and the process we apply is typically some form of persuasion.

Persuasive writing is one of the most powerful forms of writing-it has the ability to influence one's thoughts, and also the ability to change one's mind about a particular issue. The persuasive essay is an ideal opportunity to support an opinion on an issue utilizing researched facts and information. This also gives the chance to recognize that there is an opposing viewpoint to a position and to refute the opposing argument, noting that those who hold the opposing viewpoints are the intended audience of the piece.

Prompt: For this milestone, you will submit a draft of your persuasive essay. At this point in the course, if you have completed the previous milestone guided activities, the text boxes should be combined and transformed into a draft. This milestone will help you address the critical elements from Sections I-III below, which will ultimately inform your final submission of the persuasive essay. You have until the deadline to work on this draft. Whatever is completed by the deadline will be submitted to your instructor for grading and feedback.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction

This is where readers will have a chance to get an idea of what your essay will be about and what you will prove throughout. Do not give all of your information away here, but give readers a sample of what is to come. Do not forget to review your writing plan to make sure you are hitting all of the points that you planned out, while also stating your argument.

A. Provides an overview of the issue you have selected, briefly describing main points and your argument.

B. Compose an engaging thesis that states the argument that you will prove and support throughout your essay. This statement will give direction to your essay and should be well thought out.

II. Body

The body is your opportunity to describe and support your argument in depth. Make sure your thoughts and evidence are clear and organized in a way that is easy for readers to follow and understand.

A. Be sure that you write multiple paragraphs that are focused, clearly state their intent, and move logically from one to the other, building the thesis argument as the essay progresses.

B. Your body paragraphs should support your argument by combining thoughts and ideas with evidence from sources. There is no such thing as a right or wrong argument; the key is how it is supported and the quality of the evidence used.

C. Address and refute any opposing viewpoints to your argument. This is your chance to discredit any opposing views, thus strengthening your own.

III. Conclusion

Think of the conclusion as a review of your argument. Use this section to restate your argument and remind readers of your supporting evidence. Think of this as your last chance to persuade readers to agree with you.

A. Review your argument. This section should consist of a review of your main points employed to support your argument. Think of this as your last chance to prove your point or your closing arguments.

B. Your conclusion should articulate insights about your argument established through your essay. This should follow logically from your essay, referring to key points or quotes used to support your argument.

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