What is the first line treatment for anxiety disorders


A) Anxiety & OCD

a) How are daily anxieties different than generalized anxiety disorder or panic attacks or social anxiety?

b) Understand the anxiety cycle and levels of anxiety - examples and application of

c) Why does OCD fall under the umbrella of anxiety disorders? What are compulsions and obsessions?

d) How do disorders such as body dysmorphic disorder or trichotillomania demonstrate anxiety or obsessive-compulsive behaviors?

e) Yes or No: Explain, ACEs and/or PCEs impact anxiety disorders?

f) Apply clinical judgment when caring for clients experiencing anxiety and obsessive-compulsive related

g) Non-pharm options for treating anxiety related disorders

h) Pharmacologic options for anxiety related disorders, including obsessive compulsive related disorders (Benzos, SSRIs, SNRIs, Buspar) - see slides and portion of ATI module.

i) What is the first line treatment for anxiety disorders?

j) Role of the nurse r/t meds for anxiety and OCD - what are you assessing for? Side effecting to monitor for? Safety risks? Client teaching and education?

k) What are vital support strategies/evidence-based actions to respond to a client's anxiety or need.

B) Personality Disorder

a) What is the difference between characteristics of one's personality and a personality disorder?

b) Understand the 3 clusters of personality disorders and the similar traits within the clusters.

c) Be able to differentiate clinical presentation of clients experiencing a personality disorder - for example:

i) If given a scenario, you will need to be able to differentiate that a person's odd or eccentric behaviors would align with personality disorder in Cluster A, and what would be appropriate for your role as a nurse? You will not need to know the nitty gritty details of each of the 10 PDs, such as how is schizotypal PD different than schizoid PD - but you should be able to recognize they are both under the Cluster

A category based on your understanding of the overarching components of their diagnostic criteria.

d) Understand the main treatment (and common treatments) for the personality disorders.

e) Importance of therapeutic presence

f) What does setting limits impact care? What is staff splitting and how does setting limits factor in? What is the role of the nurse?

g) Apply the clinical judgment functions while providing care to clients experiencing personality disorders - broken down in slides.

C) Schizophrenia

a) Differentiate clinical presentation of clients experiencing schizophrenia spectrum disorders and psychosis.

b) Understand positive vs negative symptoms vs cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.

c) Apply clinical judgment functions while providing care to clients experiencing schizophrenia spectrum disorders and psychosis.

d) What are appropriate treatments and therapies for individuals with schizophrenia? What is the role of the nurse/nursing interventions?

e) Be sure to understand the AIMs and recognize EPS, and NMS - what is the role of the nurse?

f) How is daily functioning and relationships impacted for clients living with a serious mental illness (SMI) such as schizophrenia?

g) Psychopharm r/t the content areas - meds of choice + nursing interventions r/t meds + safety considerations for those meds (first generation anti-psychotics vs second generation anti-psychotics, meds utilized anxiety disorders (long term vs acute need) - review med slides within ppts and pharm modules.

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