
What is the first heaven


Part 1

Question 1 What is the "first" heaven? Selected Answer:

Question 2 This prophetic school of interpretation does not believe in a literal kingdom of peace and prosperity here on earth that will last 1,000 years.

Question 3 What does immanency mean? Selected Answer: Christ could return at any time.

Question 4 What view believed that the world from the time of Christ's coming was getting better and better and assumed that a millennial kingdom would be established on earth as the world lived in peace.

Question 5 At the rapture unbelievers will be "caught up" into the air to meet Jesus and, instantaneously, they will receive glorified bodies.

Question 6 What is the second heaven?

Question 7 Jesus taught that heaven is eternal.

Question 8 Jesus is currenlty preparing an eternal home for those who believe in him.

Question 9 This word Rapture means to be "changed.

Question 10 When did the Premillennial view become popular?

Question 11 Scripture teaches that Hell is eternal.

Question 12 The idea that a prophesy can have fulfillment both in the authors day and at a later time in a later event.

Question 13 What is the "Separation of the Sheep and Goats Judgment?"

Question 14 How many heavens does the Apostle Paul talk about?

Question 15 God designed hell to punish those angels that rebelled against his authority Selected Answer:

Part 2

1. One of the best arguments that Heaven is real is the physical presence of Jesus.

2. God designed hell to punish those angels that rebelled against his authority.

3. What does immanency mean? Christ could return at any time

4. What happens at the "Great White Throne Judgment?"

5. Both Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh day Adventists have predicted numerous dates over the year's one to change the date or redefine the event after the fact.

6. The Amillenial view recognizes a distinction between Israel and the church?

7. According to the readings, Scripture contains everything that we need to know in order to know with complete certainty when Christ will return and to properly identify the antichrist.

8. What view believed that the world from the time of Christ's coming was getting better and better and assumed that a millennial kingdom would be established on earth as the world lived in peace?

9.At the rapture unbelievers will be "caught up" into the air to meet Jesus and instantaneously they will receive glorified bodies.

10.The common word for hell in the Old Testament is "Sheol".

11.Scripture teaches that Hell is eternal.

12.This prophetic school of interpretation does not believe in a literal kingdom of peace and prosperity here on earth that will last 1,000 years.

13.Hell is a place of eternal separation from God.

14.The bible indicates that there is no death in heaven.

15.The primary ministry of Jesus is now a ministry of intercession for those who follow him.

Part 3

Question 1 Who asked to bury Jesus' body?

Question 2 What part does baptism play in the salvation process?

Question 3 "Total responsibility" means that any man in his natural state is incapable or unable to do anything to please or gain merit before God.

Question 4 According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?

Question 5 Which is not one of the "five points" of Calvinism?

Question 6 Sanctification is an ongoing process in the life of the believer.

Question 7 According to the reading, as a result of Adam's sin everyone is born into the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins.

Question 8 The Roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten their death.

Question 9 The two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.

Question 10 Salvation from the perspective of the individual includes the elements of repentance and faith.

Question 11 Ray Comfort indicates that only 50-60% percentage of converts were falling away from the faith.

Question 12 According to the reading, a person is saved from eternity in hell by a simple act of the intellect.

Question 13 Being found "not guilty" is the same as being "innocent."

Question 14 Regeneration can be brought about in the life of an individual by either God's work, or by the individual keeping the law of God.

Question 15 Conversion includes the elements of one's intellect and emotions, but not one's will.

Part 4

1. Ray Comfort suggests that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural and then go to the spiritual.

2. Sanctification includes elements of being set apart in the past, continually being set apart in the present, and ultimate separation in the future.

3. According to the reading, feeling remorse over your sin is enough to save you.

4. The roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten their death.

5. The bible teaches that individuals must earn his/her own salvation.

6. Justification is an Instantaneous act of God in the life of the believer.

7. Due to the fall in Genesis 3, mankind is actually in opposition to God.

8. According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?

9. The two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.

10.According to the reading, as a result of Adam's sin, everyone is born onto the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins.

11.According to the reading, a person is saved from eternity in hell by a simple act of intellect.

12.Repentance is the same as feeling sorry.

13.Who asked to bury Jesus's body?

14.Which is not one of the "five points" of Calvinism?

15.Conversion includes the elements of one's intellect and emotions, but not ones will.

Part 5

Question 1 .Christian believe the source of suffering to be the conditions of this world

Question 2. Which two possibilities of Creationism does the author say are closest to Scripture?

Question 3. The image of God refers to something a human is rather than something a human has or does.

Question 4. The image of God was completely lost in the Fall recorded in Genesis 3

Question 5. A system that allows for external factors.

Question 6. While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine.

Question 7. A consequence of Adam's sin is spiritual death.

Question 8. The belief that God began the creative process by bringing the first organisms to life, but then oversaw the evolutionary process

Question 9. All of God's creation is created in the image of God

Question 10. The use of the Bible term "heart" is best understood by simply saying "me."

Question 11. The Bible describes man as essentially evil because his heart is evil.

Question 12. The Bible speaks of both presumptious sins and sins of ignorance.

Question 13. Of the three aspects of the human personality, the most vital part is the will.

Question 14. Two types of sin exist: actual sin and conditional sin

Question 15. The word, "heart" in the Bible is used only to refer to the physical organ

Part 6

Question 1.What is the main point that the author illustrates with an elephant and 4 blind men?

Question 2. All of God's creation is created in the image of God

Question 3. Which two possibilities of Creationism does the author say are closest to Scripture?

Question 4. The image of God refers to something a human is rather than something a human has or does.

Question 5. Moslem leaders claim that Christianity and Islam are alike in that Allah was "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Question 6. The image of God is merely man's rational or moral abilities.

Question 7. While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine

Question 8. Christian do good works because of gratitude for what God has done

Question 9. The belief that God, through direct acts, brought into being virtually everything that exists out of nothing

Question 10. The Bible speaks of both presumptious sins and sins of ignorance

Question 11. The belief that God began the creative process by bringing the first organisms to life, but then oversaw the evolutionary process

Question 12. The image of God in man should help point others to the King of Kings.

Question 13. Two types of sin exist: actual sin and conditional sin

Question 14. A system that allows for external factors.

Question 15. The human personality includes the three elements of intelle

Part 7

1 Jesus claimed to have the ability to forgive sins.

2 The terms theophany and christophany are synonymous.

3 The term "only begotten" indicates that God the Father created Jesus.

4 Everyone is a theologian, because everyone has thoughts about God

5 The use of reason is discouraged in the Bible.

6 Formal education is a required tool for arranging a systematic theology.

7 Christ was a single and undivided personality.

8 Faith is a required tool for arranging a systematic theology.

9 The Bible states that Jesus was the creator of the world.

10 Jesus did not allow people to worship him.

11 Jesus indicates through his teachings that it is impossible to know truth.

12 Jesus claimed to be a man of human origin who cried out "Make straight the way of the LORD!".

13 When referring to Christ, the term "eternality" means that he is not limited by time, but has no beginning or end.

14 The strength of Christianity is found in its buildings and worship services.

15 When was Christianity made Rome's National Religion?

Part 8

Question 1. Christ was a single and undivided personality.

Question 2. What would Jews think who heard Christ calling Himself the "Son of Man"?

Question 3 This word describes God became flesh and dwelling among us.

Question 4 Who Baptized Jesus?

Question 5 Jesus claimed to be a man of human origin who cried out "Make straight the way of the LORD!".

Question 6 The object of one's faith is more important than the amount of faith the person has.

Question 7 The term "only begotten" indicates that God the Father created Jesus.

Question 8 Jesus claimed to have omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence.

Question 9 When referring to Christ, the term "eternality" means that he is not limited by time, but has no beginning or end.

Question 10 The Bible states that Jesus was the creator of the world.

Question 11 The fact that Christ allowed people to worship him shows that He thought that he was divine.

Question 12 The study of theology should also include how the truths relate to the issues of life.

Question 13 The use of reason is discouraged in the Bible.

Question 14 Faith is a required tool for arranging a systematic theology.

Question 15 The terms theophany and christophany are synonymous.

Part 9

1. There are no messianic prophesies mentioned in the Apocrypha.

2. The Apocrypha makes no claim of divine inspiration.

3. The self-revelation of god through the scriptures and finalized in Jesus Christ and relates to Gods plan of salvation for man.

4. Our modern day translations are the word of God only to the extent that that accurately reflect the original texts, which were produced under the inspiration of God.

5. The supernatural guidance of the writers of scripture by the spirit of God whereby they wrote the divine word of God transcribed accurately and reliable.

6. The work of the Holy Spirit in helping the believer understand and apply the spiritual meaning of Scriptures.

7. The theory that states that God only inspired some of scripture but we do not know which parts :

8. According to theology for today the two sources that establish ab early date of Scripture are:

9. By saying that the bible is inerrant it is meant that the bible does not contain any error.

10.Though the Apocrypha were included in the original Hebrew canon, they have been left out of most protestant translations of the bible.

11.Our Thoughts of God imply the existence of God.

12.Deals with the authorship sources dates and historical matters.

13.Design in the universe reveals a designer.

14.The first books were made from rolled papyrus and were therefore called "rolodex" manuscripts.

Part 10

Question 1 Nature reveals the existence of God; God is the cause.

Question 2 The theory that states that Scripture is only inspired in matters of religious dogma.

Question 3 Attempts to determine the original Manuscript of the Text

Question 4 The science of biblical interpretation

Question 5 There are two basic categories of God's revelation: Natural Revelation and General Revelation.

Question 6 The supernatural guidance of the writers of Scripture by the spirit of God whereby they wrote the divine word of God transcribed accurately and reliably.

Question 7 God took the initiative to reveal himself to us.

Question 8 According to Theology for Today, the two sources that establish an early date of Scripture are:

Question 9 Design in the universe reveals a designer.

Question 10 Which is not a criterion for determining that person is a biblical prophet?

Question 11 The theory that states that God only inspired some of Scripture, but we do not know which parts

Question 12 Our modern-day translations are the Word of God only to the extent that they accurately reflect the original texts, which were produced under the inspiration of God.

Question 13 What God revealed and inspired is accurate, reliable, authoritative and without error.

Question 14 Deals with the authorship, sources, dates, and historical matters.

Question 15 The self-revelation of God through his creation and through the makeup of man.

Part 11

1. What does dual authorship mean?

2. What was the Old Testament written on?

3. What are the 3 divisions of the Old Testament?

4. What did the Psalms scroll contain?

5. What is a codex?

6. Where does the name "Bible" come from?

7. Where does the term "Scripture" come from?

8. What are the 3 ways the Bible can influence it's reader?

9. What are 3 arguments form the basis for arguments from revelation?

10. What empirical evidence sets Christianity apart from other belief systems?

11. Name 2 sources that establish an early date of scripture.

12. What are the 4 qualities of inspiration?

13. T/F Inspiration incorporates the personality of the writer into the final product.

14. What does Conceptual inspiration state was inspired?

15. What does partial inspiration state?

16. What does limited inspiration state?

17. According to the text, what is "Bibliolatry"? Who was accused of it?

18. According to the text, about what percent of the New Testament is either quotation or allusion to the Old Testament?

19. What are the 5 arguments for inspiration/inerrancy?

20. What is "Textual Criticism"?

21. What is "Lower Criticism"?

22. What is "Higher Criticism"?

23. What 4 criteria determine that a person is a biblical prophet?

24. What are the 13 main arguments against adding the Apocrypha to the canon (the Bible)?

25. Where was Jesus crucified?

26. What day does the author believe Jesus was crucified?

27. What were the 2 accusations made against Jesus?

28. What 2 men asked to bury Jesus' body?

29. What is a substitutionary death?

30. What is a redemptive death?

31. What does propitiation mean?

32. What is "vicarious suffering"?

33. What is a "vicar"?

34. What does "reconciliation" mean?

35. What is a "sin nature"?

36. What is "imputed sin"?

37. T/F The law is a unit; to break one is to break all.

38. How is every person a sinner on 3 counts?

39. What is the difference between judicial guilt and personal guilt?

40. T/F Man is not reconciled to God through the blood of Christ; rather the moral and noble life of Christ should compel man to seek after God.

41. What are the 5 points of Calvinism?

42. What does "total depravity" mean?

43. What is "Unconditional election"?

44. What is "Limited atonement"?

45. What is "irresistible grace"?

46. What does the author give as an alternative to perseverance of the saints?

47. Who originated the theological system of Arminianism?

48. Describe the major tenets of the Arminian view.

49. What does Arminianism tend to limit it's definition of sin to?

50. Do Arminians believe in Eternal Security as Baptists do?

Part 12

A. 1. What does dual authorship mean?

2. What was the Old Testament written on?

3. What are the three divisions of the Old Testament?

4. What did the Psalms scroll contain?

5. What is a codex?

6. Where does the name "Bible" come from?

7. Where does the term "Scripture" come from?

8. What are three ways the Bible can influence its reader?

B. Theology for Today (online excerpts)

1. What three arguments form the basis for arguments from revelation?

2. What empirical evidence sets Christianity apart from other belief systems?

3. Name two sources that establish an early date of scripture.

C. 1. What are the four qualities of inspiration ?

2. T/F Inspiration incorporates the personality of the writer into the final product.

3. What does Conceptual inspiration state was inspired?

4. What does partial inspiration state?

5. What does limited inspiration state?

6. According to the text, what is "Bibliolatry"? Who was accused of it?

7. According to the text, about what percent of the New Testament is either quotation or allusion to the Old Testament?

8. What are the 5 arguments for inspiration/inerrancy?

D. 1. What is "Textual Criticism"?

2. What is "Lower Criticism"?

3. What is "Higher Criticism"?

E. 1. What four criteria determine that a person is a biblical prophet?

2. What are the 13 main arguments against adding the Apocrypha to the cannon (the Bible)?

II. Christianity is an Exclusive Salvation

A. Core Christianity (textbook):

1. According to the author, Christ's death was ________?

2. Where was Jesus crucified?

3. What day does the author believe Jesus was crucified?

4. What were the two accusations made against Jesus?

5. What two men asked to bury Jesus' body?

6. What did the blood and water that Jesus shed show?

7. What is a substitutionary death?

8. What is a redemptive death?

9. What does propitiation mean?

B. Theology for Today (online excepts)

1. What is "vicarious suffering"?

2. What is a "vicar"?

3. What does the word "redemption" mean?

4. What does "reconciliation mean?"

5. What is a "sin nature?"

6. What is "imputed sin?"

7. T/F The law is a unit; to break one is to break all.

8. How is every person a sinner on three counts?

9. What is the difference between judicial guilt and personal guilt?

10. T/F Man is not reconciled to God through the blood of Christ; rather the moral and noble life of Christ should compel man to seek after God.

C. 1. What are the five points of Calvinism?

2. What does "total depravity" mean?

3. What is "Unconditional election?"

4. What is "Limited atonement?"

5. What is "irresistible grace?"

6. What does the author give as an alternative to perseverance of the saints?

D. 1. Who originated the theological system of Arminianism?

2. Describe the major tenets of the Arminian view.

3. What does Arminianism tend to limit its definition of sin to?

4. Do Arminians believe in Eternal Security as Baptists do?

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